The social adventures of the English gentleman Bertie Wooster and his valet Jeeves return in a story brought to life by B. J. Harrison. An acquaintance of Bertie’s Aunt Agatha, Cyril Bassington-Bassington,...
B. J. Harrison reads P. G. Wodehouse's second full-length novel featuring the beloved characters Bertie Wooster and his valet Jeeves. Bertie returns from a trip to find his friend seeking advice from...
Henry Pitfield Rice is an unglorified detective leading an uneventful life, making ends meet by keeping up with the comings and goings of certain people. One day, he comes across the chorus girl Alice...
B. J. Harrison brings us yet another classic from the master of humor, P. G. Wodehouse. Our narrator is a sociable dog who goes by the name of Mixer. One day, he is hit by a car, and out steps Peter....
Jeremy Garnet is a writer living peacefully in London with his wife when he is presented with a somewhat a peculiar opportunity. His old friend is starting a chicken farm and invites Jeremy to come along....
When the wealthy English gentleman Bertie Wooster meets with his friend Francis "Bicky" Bickersteth, he hears that his friend is in a bit of a pickle. As usual, Bertie turns to his ever-trustworthy valet...
The P. G. Wodehouse Collection features some of the finest stories from the master of humor. Featuring some of the most beloved characters in comedy, the English gentleman Bertie Wooster and his valet...
"The Inimitable Jeeves" from the early 20th century is a collection of stories featuring the beloved character Jeeves. Considered the definition of a perfect valet, Jeeves answers to his master, the wealthy...
A friend of Bertie Wooster’s Aunt Agatha makes an unannounced visit and wishes to drop off her son at Bertie’s for a couple of weeks. Bertie is not too thrilled about this visit, especially as the boy...
B.J. Harrison reads the classic "The Man with Two Left Feet" by P. G. Wodehouse. Henry Wallace Mills from New York goes on vacation and meets a dancer called Minnie. The two fall in love and get married....
Composer and music teacher Annette Brougham hears a knock on her ceiling. Ready for a confrontation, she goes up and is surprised to find herself drawn to the mysterious artist Alan Beverley. As their...
Bertie Wooster, jeune aristocrate londonien, s'est pris de passion pour le banjo. Cette nouvelle lubie est loin de plaire à Jeeves, son fidèle majordome, et encore moins à ses voisins exaspérés. Contraint...
" Ce fut un jour béni pour Wodehouse que celui où il créa Jeeves et parvint à faire échapper le roman comique (qui en Angleterre a des relents vertueux) à son cours ordinaire pour le lancer dans le torrent...
" Il n'y a que deux sortes de lecteurs de Wodehouse, affirmait un critique anglais, ceux qui l'adorent et ceux qui ne l'ont pas lu. " Gageons que la France va redécouvrir avec enthousiasme ce monde éternel...
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