View all books by Pico Iyer

Pico Iyer - Books and biography

Pico Iyer is a British-born essayist and novelist long based in both California and Japan. He is the author of numerous books about crossing cultures, among them Video Night in Kathmandu, The Lady and the Monk, and The Global Soul. An essayist for Time since 1986, he also publishes regularly in Harper’s, The New York Review of Books, The New York Times, and many other publications across the globe.


TED Books

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El arte de la quietud

El arte de la quietud

From Pico Iyer
Released on November 9, 2015
VAT included
En un mundo en el que, gracias a las redes sociales, se nos ofrece distracción las 24 horas y en la cual nos sentimos a la vez sobrecargados de información pero con miedo a perdernos algo, este libro trae una solución simple. Detente, aunque sea durante poco tiempo. Las recompensas... See more

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