Ver todos los libros de Pineapple Sam

Pineapple Sam - Libros y biografía

Pineapple Sam is the character that embodies the life and stories of Sam Tabalno, who grew up on the shores of the Hawaiian Islands and later ventured outward in the world to embark on many fascinating adventures. Pineapple Sam loved to "talk story" as they say on the islands and decided to write his stories. Now many of his friends, family, and readers like you, can share in his adventures.

Más leídos del autor

Killing Peace

Killing Peace

Publicado el 1 de marzo de 2012
3,99 €
IVA incluido
"Killing Peace" serves as both a gripping story and a mirror for readers to examine their own beliefs about peace and sacrifice. Join Pineapple Sam on this compelling journey and discover how the quest for understanding and connection endures amid chaos. Grab your copy today and... Más información

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