Pippa Roscoe lives in Norfolk near her family and makes daily promises that this is the day she will leave the computer and take a long walk in the countryside. She can't remember a time when she wasn't dreaming of gorgeous alpha males and misunderstood heroines. Totally her mother's fault of course – she gave Pippa her first romance at the age of seven! She is inconceivably happy that she gets to share those day dreams with you! @PippaRoscoe www.pipparoscoe.com
Odir Farouk estaba a punto de convertirse en rey, pero para acceder al trono necesitaba tener a su rebelde esposa a su lado. Odir no quería admitir el deseo que sentía por ella, se negaba a poner en riesgo su poder por culpa de la pasión. Eloise, rechazada, se había marchado, pero...
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