Ver todos los libros de Ralph Metzner

Ralph Metzner - Libros y biografía

Ralph Metzner (1936–2019) obtained his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at Harvard University, where he collaborated with Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert on psychedelic research. He was Professor Emeritus at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco and president and co-founder of the Green Earth Foundation. Dr. Metzner is the author of numerous books, including Overtones and Undercurrents, Searching for the Philosophers’ Stone, and Green Psychology.


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In questa monografia Ralph Metzner raccoglie cinquant'anni di ricerche e di esperienze intorno alle sostanze enteogene, utilizzate fin dai tempi antichi a scopi terapeutici, visionari, di crescita interiore e di trasformazione. Con rigore e chiarezza divulgativa, Metzner ne illustra... Más información

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