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R.C. Mulhare - Libros y biografía

R.C. Mulhare was born in Lowell, Massachusetts and grew up in one of the surrounding towns, in a hundred year old house up the street from an old cemetery. Her interest in the dark and mysterious started when she was quite young, when her mother read the faery tales of the Brothers Grimm and quoted the poetry of Edgar Allan Poe to her, while her Irish storyteller father infused her with a fondness for strange characters and quirky situations. When she isn't writing, she moonlights in grocery retail. She's also fond of hiking in the woods of the White Mountains of New Hampshire, and browsing the antiques shops one finds all over New England. A two-time Amazon best-selling author, contributor to the Hugo nominated Archive of Our Own, and member of the New England Horror Writers, her work previously appeared with Atlantean Publishing, Macabre Maine, and FunDead Publications, Deadman's Tome, and Weirdbook Magazine, with four more stories already slated for release in 2019. She shares her home with her family, two small parrots, about fifteen hundred books and an unknown number of eldritch things that rattle in the walls when she's writing late in the night.... 

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The House on Smithen Street, or From Out the Cellar
Fionagh Cuneen has recently joined the Montague household as a chambermaid. But the strange events in the cellar of the New England mansion keep her awake at night. Avril, her employer's young bride, seeks to discover what lurks in the shadows, and the master of the house will stop... Más información

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