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René Descartes - Books and biography

René Descartes, known as the Father of Modern Philosophy and inventor of Cartesian coordinates, was a seventeenth century French philosopher, mathematician, and writer. Descartes made significant contributions to the fields of philosophy and mathematics, and was a proponent of rationalism, believing strongly in fact and deductive reasoning. Working in both French and Latin, he wrote many mathematical and philosophical works including The World, Discourse on a Method, Meditations on First Philosophy, and Passions of the Soul. He is perhaps best known for originating the statement “I think, therefore I am.”


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El libro de bolsillo - Filosofía



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3 books to know

Harvard Classics

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Coleção Filosofia

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Torre del Aire

Œuvres complètes Descartes

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Discurso del método

Released on January 17, 2019
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El gran libro fundador de la filosofía moderna Traducción de Juan Carlos García-Borrón Edición de Maria Ramon Cubells Bartolomé, profesora titular en la Universidad Rovira i Virgili y experta en filosofía moderna El Discurso del método vio la luz en 1637 bajo anonimato. Habían transcurrido... See more

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