Richard Ovenden OBE is the 25th Bodley's Librarian (since the post was set up in 1600) at the Bodelian Library in Oxford. Since 1987 he has worked in a number of important archives and libraries, including the House of Lords Library, the National Library of Scotland (as a Curator of Rare Books) and in the University of Edinburgh, where he was Director of Collections. He is an Honorary Fellow of St Hugh's College, Oxford and holds a Professorial Fellowship at Balliol College, Oxford. His writing has been frequently published in major newspapers and online platforms.
Tomando como punto de partida la infame quema de libros «no alemanes» y judíos de 1933, que daba una idea bastante inequívoca sobre las intenciones de los nazis, Quemar libros nos sumerge en un viaje de 3000 años a través de la destrucción del conocimiento y la lucha por preservarlo.Richard Ovenden,...
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