Pantalla :
O ser humano é excepcional. Possui qualidades extraordinárias, superiores às de outras espécies e seus desejos, com base nas suas necessidades primárias (fisiológicas e de segurança) e fundamentais (afiliação,...
The biblical poem of Job is an exceptional, interesting, emotional, fascinating and mysterious book, which considers some existential mysteries, addressing the problem of human suffering, immersed in...
Surprisingly, after their deaths, Victor Frankenstein and Frankenstein's creature or the monster are in the afterlife, where each one reflects on the mistakes made in the past life, being overwhelmed...
First book of the collection The Most Extraordinary Man of All History:More than two thousand years ago, the most extraordinary man of all time was born, who guided humanity to follow a religious and...
The world economy, which entered in a stage of accelerated growth since the Industrial Revolution, is really unpredictable. This publication deals mainly with the topic of economic growth from different...
Why is it so influential in our lives?The money is the best human invention, which competes with the domain of the fire and the writing. It is an exceptional instrument of exchange, savings and valuation,...
Third part of The Trial of Pontius Pilate:The authoritarian magistrates try to dominate the Universal Assembly through several Decrees-laws. However, the legislative power also approves various Decrees-laws,...
Os comunistas caracterizam ao capitalismo como injusto, perverso, desigual e desumano. Eles consideram que esse modelo econômico é o gerador de imensas diferenças entre ricos e pobres, sendo culpado de...
The communists consider that capitalism is unjust, perverse, inequitable and inhumane. They also believe that this economic model is the generator of immense differences between the rich and the poor,...
Resilience is a state of resistance, recovery and transformation, which arises in adverse situations due to the application of various favorable attitudes and qualities. Although it is not easy to be...
The big questions of Christianity include: What is Christianity? Are the canonical gospels valid? What are the searches of the historical Jesus? Who is Jesus? Did the historical Jesus exist? Does the...
Many of us know the story of king Midas, but we do not know anything about his descendants or the future of the kingdom, and there are also great possibilities that this tale has been told in another...
The self-help literature is a complex and abstract topic, which goes beyond reading books, having new knowledge and using them in a practical way. In this approach prevails a learning process to "be and...
O bem-estar não é o mesmo que a felicidade. Em linhas gerais, o bem-estar é um estado de satisfação temporária, enquanto a felicidade é um estado misterioso de satisfação plena, que perdura no tempo,...
Mencionar à literatura de autoajuda é fazer referência a um tema completo e abstrato, que vai além de ler livros, contar com novos conhecimentos e utilizá-los de forma prática. Neste enfoque predomina...
Lady Marian is the most beautiful and intelligent woman in the kingdom, envied by the nobles and worthy of being the Queen of England. Several aristocratic suitors have tried to conquer her, but her heart...
It wasn´t once upon a time. Exactly, it was the year 2060. After the third world war, the President of the European Union is elected World President, establishing a dictatorship. Among its first measures...
Ao longo da história, muito se especulou sobre Maria Madalena e surgiram teorias estranhas que a mencionam como parceira sentimental de Jesus. No entanto, há muito pouca informação escrita confiável sobre...
Employees need to be motivated and satisfied with the conditions, opportunities and benefits that the corporation gives them, while customers expect to be satisfied with the products purchased, the seller's...
Well-being is not the same as happiness. Broadly speaking, well-being is a state of temporary satisfaction, while happiness is a mysterious state of full satisfaction, which lasts over time, being difficult...
The bold detective Jerónimo Ghalia faces the last case of his successful career. He must prove that the happiness machine is a fraud and investigate the alleged financial illicit acts of the international...
More than two thousand years ago, the most extraordinary man of all time was born. Much has been written and spoken about Jesus, immersed in a religious environment of fascination. Even with a short ministry,...
Jesus was a TRUE INNOCENT. He faced seven trials: 1) Annas, without sentence, 2) Sanhedrin, found guilty (invalid for many violations of Jewish law), 3) Sanhedrin, repeated at dawn, before the nullity...
On the one hand, alchemy has aroused the fascination of many people, and on the other hand, it is a great failure, since no alchemist has been able to make gold or prepare the elixir of eternal life.In...
The great dream of the communists is the existence of an advanced scientific and technological society that works perfectly, led by a communist, secular and atheist government, in which there are no economic...
O livro de Jó é um excepcional texto poético bíblico, extremamente interessante, comovente, fascinante e misterioso.Magistralmente, no mesmo propõem-se alguns mistérios existências, abordando principalmente...
Although there are no reliable statistics, it is known that each year more than two million books are published in the world, and approximately 24% correspond to stories and novels.Unlike earlier times,...
Dr. Watson confesses the following:"Having failed in my goal of defeating Irene Adler, since there are no ways to capture her or make Sherlock Holmes give up his obsession with her, I decided to compile...
Since Sherlock Holmes returned, clarifying that he didn´t die while fighting professor James Moriarty, and before the subsequent discovery of the body of his former archenemy, Scotland Yard and the French...
Unusually, Sherlock Holmes goes to Paris, without notifying Dr. Watson, while a few days before, his shoe and a precious diamond, once in possession of Irene Adler, appeared at the Louvre Museum.On the...
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