Ver todos los libros de Ruth Heasman

Ruth Heasman - Libros y biografía

Bitcoin is one of Ruth's long-held obsessions, along with AI, technology, biohacking and 'shiny new thing' syndrome. Ruth regularly finds herself on the unpopular side of any debate, which tends not to mix well with her other favourite activity—tweeting on X. Sadly, she's too old to change now.

Singularity Series

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The Bitcoin Singularity

The Bitcoin Singularity

Publicado el 25 de mayo de 2024
3,99 €
IVA incluido
In the dystopian future of 2026 London, ravaged by pandemics and economic collapse, Violet Everly navigates a world where central bank digital currencies have failed and society teeters on the brink. When Violet learns of a looming threat to the legendary Satoshi Coins, essential... Más información

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