View all books by Ruth Rendell

Ruth Rendell - Books and biography

Ruth Rendell (1930–2015) won three Edgar Awards, the highest accolade from Mystery Writers of America, as well as four Gold Daggers and a Diamond Dagger for outstanding contribution to the genre from England’s prestigious Crime Writ­ers’ Association. Her remarkable career spanned a half century, with more than sixty books published. A member of the House of Lords, she was one of the great literary figures of our time.


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Trece escalones

Released on July 2, 2011
VAT included
Gwendolen Chawcer es una solterona octogenaria que vive entregada a la lectura y a la fantasía de un viejo amor, pero tan melancólica y plácida existencia se ve alterada cuando decide alquilar la planta de arriba de la mansión familiar en el barrio de Notting Hill. Su nuevo arrendatario,... See more

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