Pantalla :
Gobolinks; or, Shadow Pictures for Young and Old is a remarkable collection that stands at the crossroads of literary creativity and visual artistry, offering a unique exploration into the imaginative...
It is a conundrum that has vexed societies throughout history: how do you deal with those that break the law? If their aim is to evade you, how do you identify them? If their aim is to lie, how do you...
Research shows that a child's social and behavioral skills affect the development of cognitive and physical abilities. Set students on a path to success and have fun doing it with this newly retitled...
During World War Two Britain had to look to the land to provide the produce it had previously shipped in from abroad, meaning huge changes on both the agricultural and domestic scenes. Accompanying an...
The Royal Book of Oz is the fifteenth in the series of Oz books, and the first by Ruth Plumly Thompson, to be written after L. Frank Baum's death. The Scarecrow goes back to the corn-field where Dorothy...
For generations L. Frank Baum's Land of Oz books have captured and enthralled millions of readers. These stories are as delightful today as they were the day they were written. Collected here for the...
Ruth Plumly Thompson was hand picked by L. Frank Baum’s estate to continue on the wonderful stories from the Land of Oz because of her delightful and lively writing style. Collected here together are...
Da quando è nata Ruth non ha mai pronunciato una parola. Non ha mai potuto camminare, nutrirsi o pettinarsi da sola. Imprigionata in un corpo inerte, molti intorno a lei la considerano incapace di pensare,...
Learn to recognize, understand, and resolve ethical problems in the workplace with Ethical Dimensions in the Health Professions, 6th Edition. Ideal for all practicing and aspiring healthcare professionals,...
Revel in the magic of Oz in this collection of the final three books in L. Frank Baum’s classic American fairy tale series.The three concluding titles of the iconic Oz series, now in one collection! In...
Dans cet e-book, découvrez trois romances historiques, où passion rime avec Highlander. Vous rencontrerez des héroïnes rebelles et fragiles à la fois, des femmes prêtes à renoncer à tout… sauf à l’amour.Laissez-vous...
Le berceau du bonheur, Kim LawrenceLe jour où son patron, l’irrésistible Jake Prentice, découvre un adorable bébé dans un couffin posé sur son bureau, Nia passe aussitôt du rôle de secrétaire invisible...
The recent dramatic rise in the number of children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD - has triggered the increasing prescription of drugs that are seen as the cure' for the...
Curso de pintura acrílica: la guía definitiva, es un libro completo y práctico que enseña a los estudiantes a dominar las técnicas de la pintura acrílica, y a desarrollar su propio estilo artístico. Desde...
O objetivo desta obra é auxiliar aos que atuam na área de Voz Clínica, oferecendo uma grande variedade de exercícios para voz falada e cantada, bem como para a voz profissional, facilitando as diversas...
The Women's Guide to Health combines Jeff Galloway's Run Walk Run® method with the best medical knowledge to help every woman attain a healthy, active lifestyle. If you are interested in using diet and...
Os Diversos Aspectos da Comunicação - Voz, Fala e Linguagem nasceu a partir das experiências das autoras: Cintia Parga Vieira da Silva, Danuzza Sartori, Fernanda Tavares Basbaum, Irandy Garcia Duarte...
Idylle à New York, Rebecca WintersUn portrait de lui sur la couverture d’un roman d’amour ? Peter Sterling tombe de haut lorsqu’il fait cette découverte ! Qui a osé utiliser ainsi son image, et sans son...
Dans ce manuel, les trois auteures, formatrices d’enseignants, conjuguent leur expertise pour examiner de quelle manière les neurosciences peuvent éclairer l’apprentissage et soutenir l’élaboration de...
Un brûlant tête-à-tête, Sharon KendrickKeri est stupéfaite. Son chauffeur vient de lui annoncer que les routes ne sont plus praticables. Pire encore, il lui déclare qu’il leur faut chercher un abri pour...
È INIZIATA LA BATTAGLIA PER IL TRONO DEL LIMBO! La strega mutante Magik ha delle responsabilità non solo verso Krakoa e i New Mutants, ma anche verso il Limbo, la dimensione demoniaca dove è cresciuta...
Das Erleben mit allen Sinnen steht im Mittelpunkt dieser Anthologie. Dazu gehören Beiträge über Wahrnehmungsverlust, kriminelle Begierden, die Qual der Reizüberflutung und den geheimnisvollen sechsten...
Written by experienced examiners, OCR GCSE Mathematics A Higher Revision Guide will help you prepare for your exams, ensuring you have every chance for success.
Das Thema "Aufbruch und Verwandlung" weckt den Gedanken an frühlingshaft sprießendes Grün und biographische Neuanfänge persönlicher oder beruflicher Art. Doch die Kehrseite dieser heiteren Bilder liegt...
A prática de atividades físicas é de suma importância para a manutenção da saúde das pessoas. Quando a atividade física é um esporte, os ganhos são ainda maiores, uma vez que ele proporciona, entre outras...
Devido às inúmeras particularidades que o campo da educação especial abrange, essa é uma das áreas que costumam gerar mais dúvidas entre os educadores.Assim, para que possamos nos comprometer a proporcionar...
Criando filhos para o amanhã explora os fundamentos de uma educação saudável em todos os aspectos: espiritual, emocional e físico. Por meio de histórias pessoais e ensinamentos bíblicos, os autores destacam...
Naturbegegnung - das kann der Eindruck einer romantischen Mondnacht sein, aber auch der Blick auf ein Bärtierchen unter dem Mikroskop, das Frieren im Schneesturm oder das Abtauchen in ein exotisches Meer....
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