Qué bueno que has conocido a la persona de tus sueños, y no puedes dejar de felicitarte. Pero te preocupas al mismo tiempo, sin saber cómo atarlo con seguridad. Ahora es el momento de que intervenga la...
¿No es ese petirrojo un incendio sobre la frágil rama del pensamiento, el broche que anida lo eterno en lo fugaz? ¿Quieres decir que el poema y la prosa no forman parte de la misma poesía?
We will approach the great unknown of time from a different, brief, and simple perspective. A journey through its history, an introduction to the concepts offered to us by science, and a curious and original...
Septiembre de 1942. Soy el doctor Frank Bruce. Nunca había trabajado con el inspector Rathbone, hasta que recibí la llamada de Scotland Yard. Sir Reginald Mortimer, un conocido político, había aparecido...
Eleven-year-old Sayeed just wants to be a football star, banging in goals under the bright lights. Too bad his parents couldn't care less about his dreams. After Sayeed butts heads with them yet again,...
I'm Zakariya, and I'm an innocent man. I like cat videos, for crying out loud. How much more innocent can you get?Then why's everyone acting strange around me?And what's Oliver-bhai saying about marriage?A...
Meher, a seven year old girl, wishes for her father's return to her life.She spends her days waiting that dream into reality.But her heart gravitates towards someone else. Someone she never would have...
A dazzling poetry collection featuring 30 poignant perspectives on the state of the ummah.From themes of Muslim perception to the sins we commit to cultivating the inner state of the heart, S. H. Miah...
Poetry that inspires. Iman has different shades, different levels. And we all struggle on a climb to its peak, Seeking a reward from The Most High. Every day, we bear the burdens of life, In attempts...
Poetry to inspire. Ihsan means excellence. Means achieving the best we can in this life and the next, in everything we do. Read this beautiful prose and poetry collection to unearth gems on how to achieve...
La grande incognita del tempo analizzata da una prospettiva diversa, breve e semplice. Un viaggio nella sua storia, un’introduzione ai concetti che la scienza ci offre e infine la realizzazione di un...
THE MONTHLY POETRY COLLECTION BY S. H. MIAH. June 2023 features poems on love, closeness to Allah, and reflections on the past. Let S. H. Miah take you on an inspirational journey.
Yasmeen Jelal loves all kinds of bird-watching. She hikes a trail every day to see the birds soar.One day, she decides to take her father along.And unbelievable revelations come to the fore. A feel-good...
Private Detective Ahmed, the best case solver in East London who's always down on his luck.An old friend in the police force hands Detective Ahmed and his cracking sidekick Yunus another tantalising case...
The latest poetry collection from S. H. Miah. An evocative voyage through marriage, from one heartfelt poem to the next. Told from anonymous him and her perspectives, this collection of 200+ poems encapsulates...
Meet Agony Aunt Ameerah, a blogger with the knack for receiving all sorts of funny mail from her readers.Whilst struggling for a blog idea to write, Ameerah's cat, Coco, drags in new mail. And this problem...
Set in a scenic English town, let S. H. Miah take you on a dazzling coming of age journey. Adil is twelve years old. Loves comics, loves games, loves hanging out with friends. Typical London boy stuff. When...
Ben walks the starless Whitechapel nights, eerie and black, empty and devoid of life.He's searching. For what, he doesn't know.Then, a chance meeting sends him down the spiralling path towards unbreakable...
Eliza lives out her last days within the confines of a hospital. And she braves what could be her final surgery.She feels there is nothing left for her in life but to die.Until she begins to care about...
THE MONTHLY POETRY COLLECTION BY S. H. MIAH August 2023 features 70 brand-new poems on love, building a connection with Allah, reflections on the world, and of course a cheeky few lines on the wacky British...
Bobbie suffers heartache from a messy divorce. His life is stuck. He wastes his free days alone in a diner, constantly wondering where it all went wrong.Then, a meeting with an old friend sets Bobbie's...
Nick suffers guilt over a troubled past. A past he wishes he could forget all about. When a terrifying snowstorm snatches his Scottish town, he must save a life trapped in a broken car. But perhaps that...
Meet Detective Ahmed Hakeem, the private eye always down on his luck. Ahmed's witty assistant, Yunus Amir, decided to bring him to Holding Park of all places for a relaxing afternoon of ice cream and...
Pantalla :
Aisha's in the dumps. Her friend, Yasmin, is ghosting her. And Aisha has no idea why. As Aisha discovers the truth of her own actions, Yasmin harbours a secret of her own. A secret Aisha could've never...
Hassan Chowdhury fights the current of cowardice everyday, especially against his brother Kamal's pranks. Pranks which Kamal takes way too far.When Hassan's mother sends him and his brother to Bangladesh, strange...
"काल की घोरी आँखों ने, जब काल की माया को देखा था,पाप की तब एक बूँद के ख़ातिर, उनका तन मन बहका था।।"जब ख़ुशियों की परियों की नज़र किसी पर पड़ती है तो वह इंसान प्रेम और सद्भावना का प्रतीक बनकर इस संसार के सामने उभरता है। जीवन में इंसान नफ़रत तो किसी का बुरा करके भी कमा लेता है लेकिन जब...
नए युग के नए विचार इंसान को कुछ नए एहसास दिलाते हैं। इस कलयुग में अगर किसी चीज़ की कमी है तो वह है, भरोसा। समझ में ही नहीं आता की कौन सही है और कौन ग़लत है। ग़लत निगाह से देखो तो हर कोई ग़लत दिखता है और वहीं दूसरी तरफ़ सही निगाह से देखो तो हर कोई सही लगता है। अब सबसे बड़ी...
Austin Green's complicated past consists of a broken home, a broken engagement, and only his twin brother, Adam, to rely on. His dreams of the future are simple… a wife, a family and the love and stability...
Austin Green would follow Fiona into the deepest depths of hell and back to prove his love for her. For Fiona Harper, he only has to follow her to Montana to find it. The Lazy D Dude Ranch was the source...
She met me at my cabin door. She knocked. I opened.And then she was in my arms, smothering me with kisses.I recognized that scent, that hair, those lips."Mary, I..."She put a finger on my lips. "Shhhh..."The...
The new shoes were paid for with time itself.Two women came this day, in search of an artisan to make them a pair of shoes from scratch.Not just repair some cheaply-made shoes, but to get a proper pair...
Sunset found me trying to understand why the small herd I was caring for was nervous and bawling.It wasn't long before I saw what they were looking up at. Or rather, who.Three human-sized females, each...
"Whoa, what's that smell?!?"I just gestured toward the mercenary "agents" who had kidnapped me. "They have some problems with their digestion."Bound and gagged, the agents in question had very miserable...
The last she remembered of her childhood was being trapped in a stone chapel.At the single door were a mob of villagers with torches she formerly thought were her friends.Once those doors were broken...
Gods and goddesses roamed the earth for millenia.Some hold that they still do.Two babes were born in the King's Forest, hunted by the King's soldiers and two Duke's armies. Life there was protected -...
To rescue a 12,000 year old ghost, you have to learn to breathe water.Our next mystery to solve was the toughest yet. We thought ourselves prepared to deal with being submerged several hundred feet below...
Her club. Her rules. Except where magic came in. Then it was her way or the highway.And all of her regulars knew not to cross that line. Vamps, psychics, shifters, they were all welcome. But any serious...
An old enemy found me, and left me powerless - when I was only trying to help her.We'd met year ago, and she became trapped in the mystic world she'd created, on of evil and retribution for imagined offenses.I...
It started with a dream.In it, John Earl Stark solved the problem of a ghost he met. Or did he? It was a dream, after all.The next day he meets two women who visit his cabin, arriving out of the blue,...
She'd been waiting to kill me for a very long time. And run out of patience at last. So she pulled me to her across time and space. Just so she could end my life. Painfully. Violently.But first, she had...
Time haunted her. It didn't do what it was "supposed to" when she was around.It ran forward, backwards, sideways. Sometimes time helped her solve her problems, sometimes it made them worse.For a lovely...
The story continues, as two young girls find their power by becoming ghosts, then spirit guides. This is their origin-story...Barely escaping discovery by soldiers from a nearby dukedom, Sal and Jude's...
I'd been left out here, alone. By an oil-burning lamp. In the cold, uncaring desert.It was my only comfort until dawn.Just as the first of dawn started bringing the earliest glimmer of what I could see...
Walking down a dark, wet, gritty highway - barefoot, feverish, and wearing only a nightgown.At least the storm had quit.Now if I could get my chattering teeth to stop, it would help - maybe.A string of...
I was walking in my pasture one sunny afternoon when a pair of hands pulled me into the underworld.Once I arrived, I relaxed - a bit. Because it was an old friend. Carol. A time-bender and now a Lazurai as...
It wasn't often a song stopped me dead in my tracks. All I could do was listen.And I was filled with feelings of peace and hope. So much I didn't want to move, just listen.Now there wasn't a tune, a melody,...
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