Pantalla :
Betrayal burns. Love heals. Magic changes everything.Everly's empathic abilities have always set her apart, but she never imagined they were just the tip of the iceberg. When her mother disappears and...
The war had been declared. There was an air of excitement and fear lingering over the Mallee. Ellie watched as her three brothers headed off to war, leaving behind her disabled father to handle the farm...
This volume contains ten stories. There are BDSM, lesbian, multiple partners, older men, younger women, older women, younger men, grandma and a young woman, midget sex, military and sex training, one...
Emily's husband, Arthur, hired a new receptionist. She was pretty and sexy. It had been almost a year since they had sex. Emily needed to find out if her husband was having an affair. He played golf every...
Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.
Remington Harrell is the oldest of the Harrell siblings and the one expected to fix everything. Whether it's a friend accused of murder or saving the local phosphate plant there's nothing he can't do,...
Holidays, weddings and babies are happy occasions, until someone ends up dead.Rae Lynne Grimes, the heroine of Chrome Pink, never believed in happy endings, but she is on the verge of her own happy ever...
Dans l’ombre d’un passé chaotique, Sarah lutte pour maintenir l’équilibre fragile de sa vie de mère endeuillée et de chef événementiel accomplie. À ses côtés, Nick, ébranlé par la perte de son meilleur...
Chi avrebbe mai pensato che la semplice idea di lasciare Woodhills mi avrebbe reso triste? Eppure è esattamente come mi sono sentita quando ho dovuto lasciare tutti quelli che amavo.Tutti tranne Ezra.Insieme...
Mitchell Rabbit grew up being blamed for his little brothers death. The law knew he didn't do it, everyone that read about the case knew he didn't do it. His father was sent to jail because he did it....
Petron had no idea where the other omegas were gone. He'd given birth to an omega son, Doric, and when he was returned to the room, moments later, the other omegas had disappeared. Blaise Knight took...
It was time to bring this to an end. Iver had been training his entire life for this moment. He was the strongest he'd ever been and he was about to lead his army through the mountain ranges of Middle...
An Irish Mob Why Choose.With Aife's mother making a sudden appearance in her life, she knew it was time to make a change.She had been angry for long enough. Now was the time for action. Aife knew what...
Psychology of...Horror Villains, Survivors, and Victims pose the question, If our favorite characters were real, what would their psychological disorder be? Could they have been helped? What type of treatments...
Allison Grey est la jammeuse des Berkeley Pixies, l'équipe de roller derby féminine de l'université de Berkeley, en Californie. Elle est considérée par ses coéquipières comme la star de l'équipe, celle...
The startling conclusion of Fresco.A man will do anything if he is desperate enough.Returning from his gruesome quest around Europe, Matthew discovers his wife Victoria is missing. Wanting to rid them...
Lena Anderson vient de fêter ses 18 ans. Elle vient aussi de perdre sa mère. Pour ne pas se morfondre tout l’été, elle décide de quitter Brooklyn et de suivre sa tante à Carmel, une petite ville de Californie...
Et si la menace ne venait pas de l'extérieur ? Un virus mortel s'abat sur l'Asie et décime les populations en un temps record. Alors que l'épidémie s'étend et plonge le monde entier dans le chaos, une...
Allison Grey est la jammeuse des Berkeley Pixies, l'équipe de roller derby féminine de l'université de Berkeley, en Californie. Elle est la plus rapide, la star de l'équipe, celle sur qui on peut compter....
Lucy Ryan est un petit rat de bibliothèque, douce et innocente. Personne ne soupçonne qu'en réalité, elle est une véritable machine de guerre une fois sur le track. Bloqueuse dans l'équipe des Berkeley...
The particular scheme or system of Magic advocated in the present work is to an extent "sui generis," but to an extent only. It is rather the manner of its application which makes it unique. In Magic,...
A magical grimoire of sigils and rituals for summoning and mastering spirits, The Key of Solomon the King is the most infamous of all magick books. It has influenced everything from the revival of magick...
Petit Panda retrace le voyage d’un petit panda, rempli d’aventures rebondissantes et enthousiasmantes. Ce conte baigne entre le rêve et la réalité où ce panda vulnérable en sera, malgré tout, la clef.À...
The Kabbalah Unveiled is a book concerning Kabbalah by freemason and occultist by S. L. MacGregor Mathers. Kabbalah is an esoteric method, discipline, and school of thought in Jewish mysticism. It is...
S. L. MacGregor Mathers' 'The Kabbalah Unveiled - Commentaries of the Books of Zohar' is a groundbreaking work that delves into the esoteric teachings of Kabbalah, specifically focusing on the mystical...
IN presenting this celebrated magical work to the student of occult science some few prefatory remarks are necessary. The Key of Solomon, save for a curtailed and incomplete copy published in France in...
The particular scheme or system of Magic advocated in the present work is to an extent "sui generis" but to an extent only. It is rather the manner of its application which makes it unique. In Magic,...
The Key of Solomon the King - S. L. MacGregor Mathers - A magical grimoire of sigils and rituals for summoning and mastering spirits, The Key of Solomon the King is the most famous, or infamous, of all...
Como é esse tal de amor-próprio? Pois muitos falam sobre ele, mas na prática é difícil de vivenciá-lo. Por muitas vezes, alguns vivenciam um amor-próprio fajuto, que não aprimora em nada o crescimento...
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