Pantalla :
English Amharic Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids learning English or Amharic as their second language.This book about gratitude teaches kids to see the good in everything. Danny tells Dad about...
Melina hat nach einem Streit mit ihrem Freund, einen tödlichen Unfall. Aber was wenn man noch keine große Lust auf den Tod hat? Melina beschließt, dass sie nicht so einfach gehen kann. Sie möchte noch...
Celebrate a decade of Critical Role with this anthology featuring the perspectives of ten characters who fought alongside – and against – Vox Machina, with a foreword by cast member Liam O’Brien.In these...
Working in the campus bookstore isn't Colton Wixsom's ideal job, but it's where he happens to be when he runs into his first crush, Andre Dupree… his old Swim Coach. Andre Dupree is a beautiful athlete,...
First Christmas as a couple? That's no pressure... riiiight!Mosby Leslie and Tyler Rockwell are adjusting to life as a couple in the small town of Foggy Basin. With their first Christmas together fast...
Two best friends. Two big secrets. One chance to spread holiday cheer.Matthew Coates has made a crucial mistake…he's fallen in love with his best friend. It wasn't supposed to happen, but it did. He's...
Loved. Deceived. Heartbroken. Humiliated. Bitter.Thornton Marsh has experienced it all in rapid fire after the man he loves betrays him… in their home… on their bed… on his parents' wedding quilt.He's...
The Knight's Shadow, a medieval fantasy novel, tells the story of a champion knight, who receives a quest to journey to a cursed wood known as The Abyss of Trees. Innocent people are under siege from...
he Second Bite of the Cherry Anthologies are dedicated to those would like to believe, that there could be a "do over"of life, love or both ! People who've given up hope of finding a partner, or suffered...
Some pasts never stay buried. The Retired Assassins' Club follows a group of elite former operatives who've traded their silenced pistols and high-stakes missions for quiet lives. But retirement is anything...
She wrote a killer story. Now it's coming true...In the small village of Fortbridge, it's hard to keep a secret. But bestselling crime writer Camilla Harton-Gray is faced with a twist she couldn't see...
Automne 1975 : Bob Dylan et sa revue Rolling Thunder – que l’artiste considérait comme une troupe de cirque gitan itinérant – partaient en tournée à travers vingt-deux villes des États-Unis. La côte Est...
Bientôt l'imitation ne lui suffit plus...Des restes humains sont retrouvés dans le coffre d’une voiture. Et ce n’est que le début. Des meurtres de plus en plus atroces sont perpétrés partout en Angleterre....
It's 1849. Betsy is 18, a minister's daughter, and pregnant. To escape the shame, she and her lover, Ike, run away from Pike County and join a wagon train headed for the California mining camp of Hangtown....
Dieses Buch richtet sich an Fotografierende, die mit ihrer Digitalkamera schon ganz ansehnliche Fotos machen und mehr aus ihrer Ausrüstung herausholen möchten. Die in der Lage sind, im Handbuch nachzuschauen,...
Southeast Asia looks different to a farang than it does to a native. Here are seven stories picturing some of the things that one farang saw. A retired American takes a young Thai wife and gets more than...
The story is based in the fictitious Ramage Islands a former British colony and SE Asian state run by a wealthy elite who belittle the downtrodden and often desperately poor masses. After life as a street...
A thriller set in 1970's London. Early on Tuesday morning Security consultant Ted Dennison receives a phone call from a nightclub hostess and within minutes he is involved in one violent incident after...
Short stories collection Chamberlain is a college town in the American Midwest. Its population is 20,000 people when school is in session, 15,000 in August. It has 20,000 stories. Here are some of them.
Wir leben im Zeitalter der Digitalfotografie. Kompaktkamera, Foto-Handy und selbst digitale Spiegelreflexkameras sind ständige Begleiter unseres Lebens. Du machst Fotos, bekommst Fotos von Familie, Freunden...
Want to be a Commando? Forget everything you know, practice your big boy voice and leave your brain at the door "...a rich account of life in the Australian special forces...Where Do I Sign? is a compelling...
Not even a three-hour motion picture could give an adequate impression of Thailand. These seven stories are snapshots of a few phases of the kingdom. An American expatriate seeks employment and love,...
Joshua et Mathilde... Rien ne prédisposait à leur liaison. Joshua, anglais coincé et refermé sur lui-même qui n'a rien pour plaire, quadragénaire déçu par les amours, se réfugie en ermite dans son cottage...
Die Kreatur kam näher und näher. Nichts schien sie aufhalten zu können. Panik und Todesangst schnürten ihr die Kehle ab. Sie bekam kaum noch Luft und hörte ihr eigenes Röcheln. Sein Körper war massig,...
The Jazz of the Devil, by Sam Spiegel. An extraordinary novel which tells a modern tale loosely inspired by the legend of Faust. The story which takes place in London is set against a backdrop of jazz...
What is promoting? Is it something to be viewed as a work of excellence or craftsmanship? Is it astute trademarks or interesting composition? Is it workmanship to be decided for an honor or acknowledgment?...
Leben am Limit ist die Geschichte eines Mannes, der seine Kraft und seinen Mut nicht länger an Drogenhandel und Schlägereien verliert, sondern für Gott in Afrika einsetzt. Mitreißend und detailliert beschreibt...
Gesichtserkennung, Panoramen, HDR, veränderbare Masken in Radial- und Verlaufsfilter, CMYK-Unterstützung im Softproofing, die neue Version CC 2015.1 von Lightroom bietet einige neue Funktionen und jede...
The Ultimate Solution to Relationship Confusion! Did you ever wonder what went wrong with modern relationships? Looking to rekindle your icy marriage or build a foundation for the future of your relationship?...
“What a fantastic book! It’s about color management for photographers. Sam explains why color management is essential for achieving accurate colors in photos and how to go about it. Neither in my printing...
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