Pantalla :
Wann bin ich wach? Wann schlafe ich? Sabrina ist gefangen in einer Welt voller Albträume. Diese Träume werden immer mehr zum Bestandteil ihres Lebens, und sie kann bald nicht mehr den Unterschied, zwischen...
Fallen Begriffe wie Farbmanagement oder gar Farbräume, verdrehen Zuhörer die Augen und schauen sich schon mal nach einem Fluchtweg um. Zu oft folgt darauf ein Wirrwarr von Fachbegriffen gepaart mit vehementen...
Es ist das brisante Thema unserer Zeit. Christen, die Kirche und die Bibel scheinen mit der modernen Haltung zur Homosexualität nicht im Einklang zu stehen. Und es gibt eine wachsende Feindseligkeit gegenüber...
„Scharfe Fotos“ erklärt, wie Du fotografieren solltest, um als Ergebnis gestochen scharfe Fotos zu erhalten. Dafür erklärt das Buch nicht nur die Grundlage von Schärfe, sondern auch alles, was für Unschärfe...
Un volume ricco di giochi e attività per insegnare la scienza di tutti i giorni ai bambini.Questo volume dà risposta ad alcuni appassionanti quesiti scientifici su come funziona il mondo intorno a noi:...
Life is a journey of constant growth and self-improvement. It is an endless quest to discover one's true potential, purpose, and passion.While the path to personal growth may seem daunting at times, it...
Vous voulez vraiment gagner votre vie en tant qu’écrivain ? Alors vous allez devoir oublier tout ce que vous savez ! Laissez-moi deviner – vous êtes un auteur talentueux et prêt à tout faire pour gagner...
A vida é muito curta para trabalhar para outra pessoa! Você está cansado de lutar para sobreviver com um salário que é insuficiente? Ou você é uma das milhões de pessoas que estão desempregadas em uma...
Cene facili e veloci sguinzagliate - Ricette gustose tutte per voi!! Il ricettario delle cene facili Cosa c'è per cena? - le migliori ricette senza stress, che non sporcano per trascorrere più tempo...
Ecco a voi il nostro Libro di Ricette a Basso Contenuto di Carboidrati. Cos’è la Dieta a Basso Contenuto di Carboidrati? La Dieta con pochi carboidrati e molte proteine è un modo semplice e salutare...
Questo ebook spiega in modo semplice, ma in maniera approfondita, le basi e la metodologia di lavoro per capire e attuare una campagna di web marketing legata alla vendita di un prodotto. Il lettore è...
These days, there are more single-parent families than ever before. It has become so common that barely anybody reacts to knowing about any such family. We have moved beyond the days when it was frowned...
Pleasing others becomes problematic when you rely on their opinions and responses to make your decisions, thoughts, and actions. It becomes stressful and tiresome to please other people. As a guide,...
It is packed with tips and tricks for promoting your products and services, building brands, and writing copy that increases your sales. In this guide, you will learn how to create creative, sales-generating...
It is not only emotionally and physically counterproductive to work with aggressive coworkers, but being around them can also cause you to feel extremely stressed. You may be in danger of losing your...
Confidence is not something that can be learned like a set of rules; confidence is a state of mind. Positive thinking, practice, training, knowledge and talking to other people are all useful ways to...
Kitara, Toinen kirja on jatkoa Ensimmäiselle kirjalle. Kirja on tarkoitettu käytettäväksi musiikkioppilaitoksissa ammattitaitoisen opettajan ohjauksessa. Kirja alkaa sävellajien esittelyllä. Sijansa...
If you want results from your marketing but you don't have a big marketing budget then this book will show how you can grow your business on a small budget with some incredibly simple but powerful tips...
Motivating yourself is essential to the maintenance of virtually all aspects of your life. If we're not motivated, we're more likely to squander our time and neglect our personal and professional goals....
Passive-aggressive people are a negative drain on your energy and everything is energy. When you learn to deal with passive-aggressive people you learn how to avoid letting negative energy affect you....
The human brain is the main organ of the human nervous system and is wonderfully organized. Each brain is different, yet the cognitive processes are the same. Sometimes you fail to remember simple things...
Une vie pas si simple est l’histoire d’une adolescente déchirée et meurtrie à cause des aléas de la vie. Aussi bien dans sa vie familiale que sentimentale, elle rencontre des personnes qui affecteront...
À dix-sept ans, on devrait toute apprendre à avoir confiance en soi avant de tomber amoureuse. Sam se retrouve à trente ans à devoir refaire sa vie comme si elle en avait dix-sept après avoir passé treize...
Africa had and even still have all it takes to be a highly developed continent, yet, those who were less privileged than us are rather far ahead of us. Why? We had a wide range of natural resources and...
Annie Morton is eight years old. A bit shorter and chubbier than the average girl her age, there are two things in life that really bug her: getting out of bed, and getting a wash. She can’t stand it!...
The most difficult part of being a parent is raising a happy and healthy child. However, it is also one of the most rewarding. Many parents, however, approach parenting differently than they would if...
This fully illustrated book is a must-read for kids and grown-ups who never really grew up. Be prepared to hold your nose as the Phantom Pumper strikes again. Stare in awe at the giant snail. Feel for...
Il contenuto al centro di ogni strategia di comunicazione Contiene gli schemi operativi per strutturare la tua campagna di content marketing Sul mercato si trovano innumerevoli contenuti, gratuiti o a...
O que é o sucesso? Como transformar seus sonhos em realidade? Como blindar sua vida da autossabotagem? Sabemos tudo o que precisamos fazer na teoria, mas na hora de colocar em prática é como se um abismo...
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