Pantalla :
Todo profissional em início de carreira comete erros e mais erros até se estabelecer no mercado profissional. Não é diferente com a fotografia. A grande maioria dos fotógrafos cai em diversas armadilhas...
Marlon was born on Mars. He is at the age of early 20 and studied against the wishes of his parents parapsychology. The course of studies is not just a dry theoretical training, but it stands especially...
When on August 21, 2082, the first Visitor space ship arrives from the Vega, an inhabited planet in the constellation of the Lyra, Marlon's life becomes totally confused. He meets Sha'hon, an alien princess....
Am 21. August 2082 trifft das erste Besucherraumschiff vom Planetensystem der Wega auf dem Mars ein. An Bord befindet sich die Abgesandte der Sa’lfeniens , der intelligenten Bewohner des Planeten Sa’l,...
As somebody at the university noticed that Marlon parapsychic forces really exist, he must flee to avoid being abused as an experimental subject. Then, when even the newly elected, right-wing Earthgov...
Samuel Rogers' 'The Pleasures of Memory' is a poetic masterpiece that explores themes of memory, nostalgia, and the passage of time. Written in the late 18th century, the book reflects the Romantic literary...
Each of these 52 Bible verses are essential to knowing God and building a strong and healthy life!You can go through the book daily and then read through it multiple times in a year or you can read each...
How do we Follow Jesus and fulfill His purpose for our lives here on earth? This book focuses on drawing from the Bible the seven essentials to following Jesus.You'll not only learn essential information...
Percepções são pensamentos em forma de poemas, sobre amores vividos, não correspondidos, paixões avassaladoras, amores resguardados e ressurgidos, é uma explosão de sentimentos sobre a mais complexa engenharia...
Meus melhores poemas é uma coletânea de poemas escritos entre 2018 e 2019. Eles apresentam os mais variados temas e assuntos e expressam as dualidades da vida: caos e ordem, decisão e indecisão, amor...
Un improvvisato cacciatore di demoni, con un passato devastante alle spalle, disposto a tutto pur di raggiungere le sue diaboliche prede. Un reduce dall'Afghanistan che la guerra ha trasformato in qualcosa...
Das Grundlagenwerk der Homöopathie - sprachlich überarbeitet und neu herausgegeben. Modernes, heutigen Standards entsprechendes Lehrbuch Erweiterung um eine Systematik Ausführliches Glossar mit...
PETER ERICSON MANN leaned back in his chair and let his hands fall listlessly from the typewriter to his lap. He raised them again and laboriously pecked out a few words. It was no use. He got up, walked...
Quest'opera propone una possibile chiave di accesso per coloro che desiderano comprendere in profondità le radici o le verità nascoste. Il percorso di analisi proposto e descritto nelle sue fasi principali,...
Michael is a singular boy. Not the kind who suffers at school for not fitting, nor the mocking reason of of classmates. Michael is special. Beluparu is a demon. But not an evil creature that walks around...
For a fascinating glimpse into eighteenth-century morals and values, take a look at Samuel Richardson's Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded. A blockbuster of a bestseller in its day, Pamela recounts the tribulations...
Includes three horror short stories: Black Tea (Ellen Datlow Honorable Mention 2014), Crocodiles and The Janara, by the Italian horror writer Samuel Marolla. English translation by Andrew Tanzi, English...
California, selvaggio (e weird) West. Le avventure del pistolero maledetto Dirk Blackfull sono una leggenda e il solo nominare il suo nome incute assoluto terrore nei peggiori pendagli da forca a ovest...
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Parigi, 1850. Il Club degli Hashishins, celebre ritrovo di alcuni fra i più grandi artisti francesi dell'epoca, come Hugo, Dumas, de Balzac, Gautier e Delacroix, e dedito all'uso di droghe ai fini della...
Nel presente libro l'autore spiega dettagliatamente la grammatica inglese affrontando in modo specifico l'ortografia, la sintassi, l'etimologia e la metrica. Gli approfondimenti proposti si riveleranno...
There must always be something arbitrary in the choice and isolation of a period of social history for special study. No period can, from one point of view, be broken off and isolated from the immemorial...
Europa, 800 d.C. Dopo il declino di Roma e tre secoli di invasioni barbariche, l'Europa ha trovato finalmente la pace: è di nuovo unita sotto una corona imperiale, quella di Carlomagno; dominata da un...
Samuel Linnaeus, Carl von Linnés bror, revolutionerade svensk biodling i slutet av 1700- talet. Boken är försiktigt omarbetad till läsförståelig svenska. Linnaeus behandlar binas egna fria vaxbygge,...
...öffne jedes Buch auf der richtigen Seite, sodass das Monster entstehen kann. Doch hüte dich vor falschen Seiten... Justin, Alex, Pam und Luca sind dem Rätsel auf der Spur.
Este livro revela os 37 segredos mais bem guardados de vários empresários famosos. Embora escrito com base numa experiência pessoal a ganhar dinheiro on-line e, de fato, a viver em muitos paraísos na...
The epics of Homer, the Iliad and the Odyssey, in Samuel Butler’s famous prose translation. An immortal poetry poem from greece that from ancient past teach us about philosophy, loves and war.
Self-Help was published in 1859 by Samuel Smiles. It has been called the bible of mid-Victorian liberalism. It sold 20,000 copies within first year. By the time of Smiles' death in 1904 it had sold over...
How did Sir Isaac Newton, the most important figure of the Scientific Revolution, believe in literal fulfillment of the biblical prophecies on the end-times? What did he say about the foretold Antichrist?...
The Way of All Flesh by Samuel Butler is a semi-autobiographical novel by Samuel Butler that attacks Victorian-era hypocrisy. Written between 1873 and 1884, it traces four generations of the Pontifex...
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