Sandra Conti collaborated for many years with a local newspaper. In 2001 attended the creative writing course held by Francesco Piccolo. She has taught for years scientific subjects, collaborated with journals and associations.
Biography: "Ombre" ed. Il Filo 2006, "Il Traffico" ed. Albatros 2008, "Nero Lazio" ed. Giulio Perrone 2010, "Orto sinergico" ed. Alternative Press 2015. In 2020 she published the first volume of the saga Inferno e Paradiso: "A passo dall'Inferno" ed. Amazon, in 2022 she released the second volume "Nell'Inferno" ed. Amazon. Now out of market for review. "One step from Hell", the english version of "A un passo dall'Inferno" Will be available from july 2024.
Instagram #conti.sandra.scrittrice
Youtube @infernoeparadisosaga
Facebook @sandraconti72
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