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Sandra Sookoo - Books and biography

Sandra Sookoo is a USA Today bestselling author who firmly believes every person deserves acceptance and a happy ending. Most days you can find her creating scandal and mischief in the Regency-era, serendipity and happenstance in Victorian America or snarky, sweet humor in the contemporary world. Most recently she’s moved into infusing her books with mystery and intrigue. Reading is a lot like eating fine chocolates—you can’t just have one. Good thing books don’t have calories!

When she’s not wearing out computer keyboards, Sandra spends time with her real life Prince Charming in central Indiana where she’s been known to goof off and make moments count because the key to life is laughter. A Disney fan since the age of ten, when her soul gets bogged down and her imagination flags, a trip to Walt Disney World is in order. Nothing fuels her dreams more than the land of eternal happy endings, hope and love stories.

Colors of Scandal

Twelve Days of Christmas

Christmas Wishes

Entwined Tales

Thieves of the Ton

Unlikely Partners

Lords of Happenstance

Fortunes of Fate

Home for the Holidays

Lords of the Night

Scandal in Surrey

Singular Sensation

Christmas Wallflowers

Fortune and Glory

Diamonds of London

Ladrones de la Ton

Enduring Legacy

Revenge of the Wallflowers

Herren der Nacht

Signori della notte

Les Seigneurs de la Nuit

Mary and Bright series

I signori della notte 3

Men of the Marque

Revenge of the Wallflowers

Los Señores de la Noche

Más leídos del autor

La Dama Y El Chocolatero

Released on October 29, 2021
VAT included
Si no se apagan las antiguas llamas, pueden saltar chispas. El señor Jasper Winslow, quien fue una vez el tímido y apocado hijo de un vizconde, es un chocolatero que se especializa en elegantes bombones franceses, lo cual le ayudó a superar el dolor por su amor perdido. Se había... See more

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