Raconté par un voisin devenu son ami, le roman tourne autour du personnage de Gatsby, jeune millionnaire charmant au passé trouble qui vit luxueusement dans une villa toujours pleine d'invités. Par certains...
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s second novel, which brilliantly satirizes a doomed and glamorous marriage, anticipated the master stroke—The Great Gatsby—that would follow, and marks a key moment in the writer’s...
Dans le Long Island des années vingt, la fête est bruyante et la boisson abondante. Surtout chez Jay Gatsby. Aventurier au passé obscur, artiste remarquable par sa capacité à se créer un personnage de...
- Cette édition est unique; - La traduction est entièrement originale et a été réalisée pour l'Ale. Mar. SAS; - Tous droits réservés. Généralement considéré comme le meilleur roman de F. Scott Fitzgerald,...
- Esta edição é única; - A tradução é completamente original e foi realizada para a Ale. Mar. SAS; - Todos os direitos reservados. Geralmente considerado o melhor romance de F. Scott Fitzgerald, O Grande...
Generally considered to be F. Scott Fitzgerald's finest novel, The Great Gatsby is a consummate summary of the "roaring twenties", and a devastating expose of the "Jazz Age". Through the narration of...
The main events of the novel take place in the summer of 1922. Nick Carraway, a Yale graduate and veteran of the Great War from the Midwest. Who serves as the novel's narrator.Takes a job in New York...
All the Sad Young Men is the third collection of short stories written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The volume contains nine stories, Fitzgerald wrote at a time of disillusionment.
In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since. "Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone," he told me, "just remember that all...
This Side of Paradise is a novel that influenced an entire American generation, and not only. Published in 1920, it represents very well the young people that lived between the two World Wars. The age...
Nel mondo fastoso e frivolo degli anni Venti Jay Gatsby consuma il sogno americano di quegli ‘anni ruggenti’ tra jazz e champagne, feste favolose in ville mozzafiato, truffatori colossali e signore sempre...
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (September 24, 1896 – December 21, 1940) was an American author of novels and short stories, whose works are the paradigmatic writings of the Jazz Age. He is widely regarded...
Realmente, Benjamin Button é um caso estranho. Ele é um bebé, mas um bebé que fuma charutos, anda de bengala e detesta leite quente. Porquê? Porque anda com o relógio às avessas: nasceu com 70 anos e,...
„The Great Gatsby”, Fitzgerald’s third book, stands as the supreme achievement of his career. The story follows the enigmatic and mysteriously wealthy Jay Gatsby as he chases the object of his hopeless...
Divided into three separate parts, according to subject matter, „Tales of the Jazz Age” includes two of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s better-known short stories, „The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” and „The...
In 1922, F. Scott Fitzgerald announced his decision to write "something new--something extraordinary and beautiful and simple + intricately patterned." That extraordinary, beautiful, intricately patterned,...
Gosto de ter a sensação de que não estou a ler. Quando estou perante Terna É a Noite, esqueço que estou a ler. ANTÓNIO LOBO ANTUNES Rosemary Hoyt, jovem estrela de cinema americana, vai de férias com...
- Diese Ausgabe ist einzigartig; - Die Übersetzung ist vollständig original und wurde für das Ale. Mar. SAS; - Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Der grosse Gatsby, der allgemein als F. Scott Fitzgeralds bester...
La presente edizione è unica; La traduzione è completamente originale ed è stata eseguita per la società Ale. Mar. SAS; Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Generalmente considerato il più bel romanzo...
La storia è tra le più famose della letteratura mondiale, riportata all'attualità dal grande successo del film del 2008 interpretato da Brad Pitt. Nel 1860, in un giorno d'estate, Benjamin Button viene...
Tra tutte le opere di Fitzgerald, questa è probabilmente la più ambiziosa, sofferta e tormentata. Gli ci vollero infatti nove anni per completare questo romanzo, del quale non fu completamente soddisfatto...
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s second novel, first published in 1922, which brilliantly satirizes a doomed and glamorous marriage of would-be Jazz Age aristocrats Anthony and Gloria Patch: they are beautiful,...
Considerado pela "Modern Library" como o segundo melhor romance de língua inglesa do século XX, e por seu autor como 'algo novo - algo extraordinário, belo e simples', a Editora Landmark lança em uma...
This story was inspired by a remark of Mark Twain's to the effect that it was a pity that the best part of life came at the beginning and the worst part at the end. By trying the experiment upon only...
About The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" is a short story written by F. Scott Fitzgerald and first published in Colliers Magazine on May 27,...
In F. Scott Fitzgerald's 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,' readers are transported to a world where age defies logic and time operates in reverse. This short story explores the life of Benjamin Button,...
Tender is the Night - Francis Scott Fitzgerald - Tender Is the Night is an English language novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It was first published in Scribner's Magazine between January-April, 1934 in four...
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