Three spicy standalone alien romance novels in one box set!Aliens in kilts. Space pirates. Hunky warriors. The galaxy is teeming with alluring beings and some of them are irresistible! These three tantalising...
Er ist ein außerirdischer Wikinger. Sie hat keinerlei Absichten, seine Gefangene zu sein.Njal genießt das Leben eines skrupellosen Wikingerkapitäns: essen, saufen und plündern, was das Zeug hält. Dann...
Sie haben sie mir entrissen.Meine Gefährtin ist in Gefahr. Und ich werde alles tun, um sie zu retten. Ich würde sogar an den Spielen von Kalumbu teilnehmen, den gefährlichsten Wettkämpfen der Galaxis.Kann...
Assassin. Détective privée. Chat métamorphe.Les tomes 1 à 4 des Assassins à moustaches, la série d'urban fantasy bourrée d'action, en un seul volume !Assassin, sociopathe et accro à l'herbe à chats, Kat,...
Assassin. Détective privée. Chat métamorphe. Grande amoureuse.Les tomes 5 à 7 des Assassins à moustaches, la série d'urban fantasy bourrée d'action, pour la première fois réunis en un seul volume !Kat...
Une demi-déesse audacieuse. Quatre Gardiens sexy. Une saga de romantasy torride qui vous fera frémir de plaisir.En tant que demi-déesse, Wyn s'est toujours démarquée de la foule humaine. Et maintenant,...
They took her freedom. Now she'll take their lives. Voluntary kidnapping. That's new even for Kat. Trapped, tortured and without any sign of her sister's whereabouts, she can only do one thing: release...
War is coming… and Wyn can't wait to fight.The Morrigan needs to die, no question about that. But first, Wyn and her Guardians need to find her.While the Realm prepares for war, allies arrive from unexpected...
All four books in the bestselling Daughter of Winter series, exclusive bonus scenes plus the spin-off novella Demon's Revenge, together in one volume for the very first time!One sassy Demigoddess. Four...
Her adventure has only just begun…Wyn thought everything would be unicorns and rainbows once she reached her mother's palace.The last things she expected were assassination attempts, the Summer King readying...
Ghosts, Gods and frilly dresses...Wyn may be a Goddess, but even she is a little confused by the rumours of ghosts in her palace.It gets even stranger when one of them appears in her bedroom, begging...
The time has come to fight or die.Just because Wyn has changed doesn't mean that the war is over. Not at all.Angus and the Morrigan are ready for battle, but so are Wyn and her allies. It's time to fight...
Gone.Dead.Aodh is dead.My man, my beautiful man. Who pulled me from the darkness and gave me a chance of a life in the light.Now he's gone. And with him, all the goodness in me has left.I'm going to have...
Beira, the Mother of Gods and Queen of Winter, has grown tired and lonely. After millennia of living on her own, she decides it's time to create the perfect lover. But while Colan might look like the...
Three bestselling reverse harem novels in one book. Three strong women who don't have to choose. Three exciting adventures to start.Bears. Angels. Shifters. Assassins. The world is full of magical creatures...
Not all aliens are good at abducting humans.Havel, Matar and Xil have failed too many times to count. Luckily, there's help available for failed kidnappers: a diploma offered by the Intergalactic University....
Being abducted by aliens isn't as much fun as it might sound.Lost in space, abused and far from home. Wren's life has turned from bad to worse. Her only chance of freedom comes in the form of two aliens,...
They want to make me their captain. I can't even fly a bloody spaceship.I'm no longer a captive. No longer alone. But we're still on the run. And the four alien males who seem to think the universe of...
I always knew that one day, I would be taken. It was only a matter of time.There are two basic facts every woman needs to know about the aliens stalking our planet.The Trads are bad. They will kidnap...
I never expected to be stranded on an asteroid with four aliens.It's a miracle we survived, but just because we're still alive after the crash doesn't mean it will stay that way.One of the Athions almost...
Gutaussehende außerirdische Wikinger. Die menschlichen Frauen, die dazu bestimmt sind, ihre Gefährtinnen zu sein. Eine Liebesgeschichte, die das Universum in Flammen setzen wird. Die Starlight Wikinger-Trilogie...
Un mercenaire extraterrestre en ÉcosseLa seule raison pour laquelle Thorrn est parti sur Terre, c'est pour trouver des femmes compatibles avec son espèce, même s'il s'attend à rester seul jusqu'à la fin...
Last night, we became one, the lines blurred between our minds for just a moment, but the echo of it is still vivid in my memories. I want to feel that again, and if I have to chain them all to my bed....
All three books in the bestselling Claiming Her Bears series, plus the novella Polar Dream, together in one omnibus for the very first time! One young woman on the run from her abusive uncle. Four bear...
"What are you thinking of?" Torben asks me, stroking his banana.Bananas are extinct. Or so they thought. When a lone banana is swept onto the shore of Bear Island, Isla knows exactly what she's going...
Isla was supposed to get her happily ever after. A cute baby cub, a cottage by the sea, and four doting bears catering to her every need. Lovely, right?Things take a turn for the worst when her cub begins...
C'est à eux d'assurer sa sécurité. Et elle les protégera au péril de sa vie.Wyn a cru que tout ne serait que licornes et arcs-en-ciel une fois qu'elle aurait atteint le palais de sa mère.Les dernières...
La guerre se prépare… et Wyn est impatiente d'en découdre.La Morrigan doit mourir, cela ne fait aucun doute. Mais d'abord, Wyn et ses gardiens doivent la retrouver.Alors que le royaume se prépare à la...
L'heure du dernier miaou a sonné.Toute sa vie, Kat s'est battue pour sa survie. Pour sa liberté.Aujourd'hui, elle en a sa claque. Elle veut la paix. Même si elle doit, pour ça, risquer tout ce qu'elle...
Ils lui ont pris sa liberté. Maintenant, elle va leur prendre la vie.Enlèvement et séquestration. C'est tout nouveau, même pour Kat. Prise au piège, torturée et sans la moindre trace de sa sœur, elle...
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