Socorro Acioli was born in Fortaleza, Ceará in 1975. She is a journalist, has a master's degree in Brazilian literature and is currently studying for a PhD in Literary Studies at the Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro. She started her writing career in 2001 and since then has published books of various genres, such as children's short stories and YA novels. In 2006, she was selected to take part in a workshop called 'How to tell a tale', conducted by the Nobel Prize Winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez at the San Antonio de Los Banõs International Film and Television School, Cuba. The author was selected by García Márquez himself based on the synopsis for THE HEAD OF THE SAINT. In 2007, she was a visiting researcher at the International Youth Library in Munich, Germany, and she has also lectured in several other countries such as Portugal, Bolivia and Cape Verde. Socorro is also a translator, essayist and literary theory teacher, and you can follow her at or on Twitter: @AcioliSocorro
Poco antes de morir, la madre de Samuel le pidió emprender dos viajes: el primero para encontrar a su abuela y a su padre y el segundo para encender una vela al pie de tres santos. En la búsqueda de cumplir con los últimos designios de Mariinha, Samuel llega a Candeia —un pueblo...
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