Stefano Fusi is an Italian writer, journalist, and painter with a deep commitment to ecology, nature, and health. He has collaborated with leading Italian environmental organizations like World Wildlife Fund and Italia Nostra and has contributed to numerous magazines, including Qui Touring and New Age Music & New Sounds. Fusi has served as editor-in-chief of Il Giornale della Natura and edited Anima News. He has also been a press officer for Red Edizioni and the Interassociation of Arts for Health. Beyond writing, Fusi has led seminars, courses, and events for various organizations. Currently, he works as a ghostwriter, manages a humanitarian fund for the Indigenous peoples of the Americas, and conducts experiential meetings focused on deep ecology.
64 carte digitali per leggere il presente e creare il futuro
Le carte sono un metodo antichissimo per entrare in sintonia con la magia della vita e ricevere risposte alle proprie domande.
Queste 64 carte digitali sono ispirate alla visione degli sciamani, gli interpreti della voce...
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