Ver todos los libros de Susanna berti Franceschi

Susanna berti Franceschi - Libros y biografía

Susanna Berti Franceschi is Vice-President of the Angiolo and Maria Teresa Berti National Historical Society. As part of her role, she is also the Director of the scientific committee for historical research and is in charge of organising conferences on behalf of the Society.
Her main area of interest is Gender History and the role of women in culture and power, with a particular focus on the Middle Ages.

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Publicado el 24 de agosto de 2012
6,99 €
IVA incluido
The fear of the third millennium is more invasive and destructive: it is no longer God who punishes and destroys, but man, through the misuse of science, who will bring about the final catastrophe. Such a fear is characterised by depression and a sense of inevitability, in which... Más información

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