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Thomas Carlyle - Libros y biografía

Thomas Carlyle was a Victorian-era Scottish author, philosopher, and historian. Raised by a strict Calvinist family, Carlyle abandoned his career with the clergy in 1821 after losing his faith, focusing instead on writing. Carlyle went on to publish such noted works as Life of Schiller, Sartor Resartus—which was inspired by his crisis of faith, and The French Revolution, and became one of the most prominent writers of his day. Carlyle’s later works included Heroes and Hero-Worship and Frederick the Great. Carlyle passed away in 1881.

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Sobre los héroes

Sobre los héroes

Publicado el 5 de febrero de 2018
14,99 €
IVA incluido
«La historia del mundo es la biografía de los grandes hombres». Durante el mes de mayo de 1840, Thomas Carlyle pronunció seis conferencias en seis días distintos sobre la temática de los héroes. Un año después, en 1841, se publicó en Londres la recopilación de aquellos discursos... Más información

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