Pantalla :
In the twilight of his years, renowned author Thomas Hardy pens a poignant and introspective memoir, "Middle Age Enthusiasms." Through a series of candid reflections, Hardy delves into the passions and...
"The Melancholy Hussar of the German Legion" is a short story by Thomas Hardy that follows the encounter between a young woman and a homesick soldier. The sparks of passion immediately set their souls...
In the ethereal glow of a lunar eclipse, a tale of forbidden love and tragic consequences unfolds. At A Lunar Eclipse, a haunting masterpiece by Thomas Hardy, transports readers to a secluded village...
"Barbara of the House of Grebe" is a short story from Thomas Hardy’s collection "A Group of Noble Dames". It is a dark that intertwines madness and desire. Barbara Grebe is already promised to a wealthy...
A classic novel that explores how the moral standards of Victorian England affected a young woman seeking her place in society.Thomas Hardy’s classic novel Tess of the D’Urbervilles is a masterpiece of...
Both major novelist and major poet, with a distinctive off-beat and intensely personal style, Hardy is a modern writer born out of his time.
Bathsheba Everdene, living in the quiet rural village of Weatherbury, is indeed disrupted by the 'madding crowd'. After shunning the first man to love her, the shepherd Gabriel Oak, she is courted by...
Gabriel Oak is an up-and-coming shepherd in the prime of life at twenty-eight years of age. With the savings of a frugal life, he has leased and stocked a sheep-farm. He falls in love with a newcomer...
The novel tells the story of Jude Fawley, a village stonemason who yearns to be a scholar at Christminster, a city modeled on Oxford, England. The novela also follows his earthy wife, Arabella, and his...
An unforgettably powerful tragedy, Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles is one of the great classics of the late nineteenth century. Part of the Macmillan Collector’s Library; a series of stunning,...
"Loin de la foule déchaînée" commence la série de romans les plus typiques de Thomas Hardy, à laquelle appartiennent entre autres "Tess d’Urberville" et "Jude l’obscur". Dans la campagne anglaise de l’époque...
Un jeune fermier et un vicaire se disputent le coeur de Fancy Day, institutrice dans un village du Wessex. Indisponible en poche, l'un des premiers romans de l'auteur de Tess d'Urberville....
La fougueuse Eustacia Vye est prête à tout pour quitter la lande déserte et morne d'Egdon, où elle dépérit. Son appétit de liberté la porte tout d'abord à courtiser Damon, garçon charmant...
«Blasphématrice contre son gré, Tess est, plus victime de pêcheurs que pécheresse elle-même.»Un jour, le père de Tess, pauvre charretier, de retour au village de Marlott, rencontre Parson Tringham,un...
Considered one of Hardy’s best works, this sobering and complex story of self-destruction features one of literature's quintessential tragic heroes. In a drunken fit of rage, young hay-trusser Michael...
One of Hardy’s most popular and controversial novels, Return of the Native explores tragedy and romance with a vivacity that is his alone. Young beauty Eustacia Vye longs for the lively city of Paris...
Martin’s Scribbles takes the reader on a playful romp through the latter twentieth-century to the present, as seen through the eyes of award-winning architect Martin Holub. Not exactly a memoir, these...
Featuring an appendix of discussion questions, the Diversion Classics edition is ideal for use in book groups and classrooms. Thomas Hardy’s fourth novel and first major literary success follows the...
Featuring an appendix of discussion questions, this Diversion Classics edition is ideal for use in book groups and classrooms. A penniless orphan with dreams of becoming a scholar, Jude Fawley is instead...
Gabriel Oak, jeune paysan du Wessex, est devenu propriétaire d'une bergerie. Il s'éprend de Barbara Everdene, venue s'installer au pays avec sa tante. Mais la belle repousse ses avances avec hauteur....
La jolie Tess est d’une fraîcheur à faire chavirer tous les cœurs. Surtout celui de son prétendu cousin, Alec. Mais l’odieux personnage n’est qu’un imposteur… et un profiteur ! Lorsqu’il séduit la jeune...
Michael Henchard est un jeune saisonnier qui vit avec sa femme, Susan, et sa fille, Elizabeth-Jane, dans un village du Wessex.Un jour, sous l'empire de l'alcool, après une violente dispute avec sa femme,...
Dans le comté rural du Wessex, Gabriel Oak demande en mariage la jolie Bethsabée Everdene, offrant à cette orpheline désargentée une situation confortable et la promesse d’une vie heureuse. Farouchement...
Thomas Hardy’s first literary masterpiece, Far From the Madding Crowd is the story of free-spirited Bathsheba Everdene, whose bold independence attracts the attention of three suitors: the frugal shepherd...
Thomas Hardy’s final literary masterpiece, Jude the Obscure is the story of Jude Fawley, a poor stonemason living in rural Wessex, whose dreams of becoming a scholar are complicated by an ill-fated romance...
Dans le sud-ouest de l’Angleterre , au début du XIXe siècle, quatre destins de femmes meurtries par l’amour : amour impossible pour un soldat étranger, amour ensorcelé pour un violoniste de village, amour...
Tout rapproche Lady Viviette, dont le mari a disparu en Afrique depuis des années, et le tout jeune Swithin, promis à une belle carrière d’astronome. Mais s’il y a des unions écrites dans les étoiles,...
Jude l'Obscur est le dernier et le plus audacieux des romans de Thomas Hardy. L'auteur de Tess d'Urberville y songe dès 1888, comme en atteste une note de ses carnets : " Une nouvelle sur un jeune homme...
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. ‘The movements of his mind seemed to tend to the thought that some power was working against him.’...
Jocelyn Pierston wants above all to find the ideal woman, but perfection is elusive as ever. A masterful sculptor, he starts to grow obsessed with the idea of capturing beauty in stone - and the statue...
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