Pantalla :
The object of this history is to trace some of the changes by which classical Italy, the kernel of the Roman Empire, the center of government and law for the Western world, became that Italy...
It was a ‘truceless war’ which Justinian’s ambassador had denounced against the cringing Theodahad when he heard of the murder of Amalasuntha. And in truth all the schemings and machinations of the Byzantine...
In diesem Buch bespricht der Autor, welche Diskursmechanismen in unserer Demokratie dazu führen können, die eigenen demokratischen Grundlagen zu schwächen. Die Coronakrise dient immer wieder als Dreh-...
De Optimo Republicae Statu deque Nova Insula Utopia (translated On the Best State of a Republic and on the New Island of Utopia) or more simply Utopia is a 1516 book by Sir (Saint) Thomas More. The book,...
Questa Edizione è stata realizzata con il proposito di aiutare l’umanità. Quest’opera apre la mente e il cuore di ogni studente disposto a ricevere gli “Insegnamenti” e le “Benedizioni” dei Maestri Ascesi....
Two On A Tower is a tale of star-crossed love in which Hardy sets the emotional lives of his two lovers against the background of the stellar universe. The unhappily married Lady Constantine breaks all...
Elfride finds herself caught in a battle between her heart, her mind and the expectations of her parents and society. The novel is notable for the strong parallels to Hardy and his first wife Emma Gifford....
The Mayor of Casterbridge opens with a shocking and haunting scene: In a drunken rage, Michael Henchard sells his wife and daughter to a visiting sailor at a local fair. When they return to Casterbridge...
Hardy distrusted the application of nineteenth-century empiricism to history because he felt it marginalized important human elements. In The Trumpet Major, the tale of a woman courted by three competing...
Hardy's masterpiece traces a poor stonemason's ill-fated romance with his free-spirited cousin. No Victorian institution is spared — marriage, religion, education — and the outrage following publication...
Here you will find the complete novels of Thomas Hardy in the chronological order of their original publication. - Desperate Remedies - Under the Greenwood Tree - A Pair of Blue Eyes - Far from the Madding...
I remember the beginning of it as though it were yesterday. My brother André had sent me to the armorer’s to have some broken links mended in his gear. I was standing near the forge watching Le Brun send...
"Utopia" (le titre complet en latin est "De optimo rei publicae statu, deque nova insula Utopia, ou par extense, Libellus vere aureus, nec minus salutaris quam festivus de optimo rei publicae statu, deque...
"Utopia" ("Libellus vere aureus, nec minus salutaris quam festivus, de optimo rei publicae statu deque nova insula Utopia") is a work of fiction and political philosophy by Thomas More (1478–1535) published...
Almost every historian has set out by regretting how little is known of the early inhabitants of Great Britain—a fact which only the lovers of hoar antiquity deplore, since from all we can with certainty...
We have reached a decisive point in the history of Italy and its relations to the rest of Europe. The Visigoth dealt a mortal blow to the Roman State: the Hun and the Vandal mocked its dying...
Pope Hadrian occupied the chair of St. Peter for twenty-three years, ten months, and seventeen days, a longer period than had fallen to the lot of any of his predecessors, except the twenty-five...
Learned men, who had become my friends through conversations which we had had together, or benefits which I had bestowed upon them, sought to persuade me to draw together into one work the various utterances...
We have undertaken to discourse here for a little on Great Men, their manner of appearance in our world's business, how they have shaped themselves in the world's history, what ideas men formed of them,...
THERE is a race on Scythia’s verge extreme Eastward, beyond the Tanais’ chilly stream. The Northern Bear looks on no uglier crew : Base is their garb,...
I have now to record the establishment of a Teutonic kingdom in Italy, which, more than any other of the new states arising on the ruins of the Roman Empire, promised to promote the happiness...
PERHAPS the sentiments contained in the following pages, are not YET sufficiently fashionable to procure them general favor; a long habit of not thinking a thing WRONG, gives it a superficial appearance...
THIS novel is not a rehash of the idea of a foreign conquest of America based on the accidents of war. It is a study of the origin, meaning and destiny of American Democracy by one who believes that the...
Das Gute vorneweg: Erfolg an der Börse ist erlernbar! Jeder möchte doch mehr aus seinem Geld machen, aber das bitte bei möglichst niedrigem Risiko. Eignen Sie sich deshalb mit diesem Buch ein unverzichtbares...
Alle unsere Wege haben ein Ende, ein frühes oder ein spätes Ziel. Aber hat jemand der gestorben ist, auch wirklich gelebt hat? Gibt es ein 'Leben vor dem Tod'? 'Kam einer, ging einer und keiner schrieb's...
Die Geschichte der jüdischen Einwohner von Enkirch und der jüdischen Gemeinde von der napoleonischen Zeit bis zur Auflösung der Gemeinde durch die Nationalsozialisten und der Verfolgung der Mitglieder,...
Als sich der Koch Wolfgang und der verzauberte Löffel Drachenzunge gemeinsam auf den Weg in die Hauptstadt des kleinen Königreichs machen, ahnen sie noch nichts von den schicksalhaften Begegnungen und...
Ein Pädophiler entführt, vergewaltigt fünf Mädchen. Vier Mädchen werden ermordet und verbrannt. Der Mörder wird gefasst und verrät das Versteck des fünften Mädchens. Der Mörder sucht Mädchen, die seiner...
Gedichte & Gedanken unserer Zeit An einen bestimmten Augenblick kann man sich ein Leben lang erinnern, auch wenn das Drumherum bereits verschwommen oder vergessen ist. Genau diesen Augenblick sollte...
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