Tim Schwab is a freelance journalist based in Washington, D.C. His 2019 investigation into the Gates Foundation won multiple awards, including an Izzy from the Park Center for Independent Media and a Deadline Club Award from the Society of Professional Journalists, and was nominated for a Pulitzer prize by The Nation newspaper. His reporting on Gates has appeared in The Nation, the Columbia Journalism Review and the British Medical Journal, and represents some of the only investigative journalism ever published on Gates. Earlier in his career, Tim worked as a journalist for two daily newspapers and as a researcher for the watchdog group Food & Water Watch.
Una investigación única sobre Bill Gates, la Fundación Gates y sobre cómo utilizar la filantropía para ejercer un inmenso poder político sin control alguno.Gracias a su Fundación, Bill Gates ha pasado de supervillano tech a filántropo admiradísimo en todo el mundo. Aunque su sonado...
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