Pantalla :
Pourquoi les vendeurs ne vendent pas ? Et pourquoi les prospects n'écoutent pas ?On offre de super produits aux prospects, on dit des choses fantastiques aux gens, on partage notre vision et notre passion...
Vous aimeriez que vos prospects de marketing relationnel vous supplient de leur faire une présentation grâce aux Brise-Glaces ?Vous pouvez transformer n'importe quel prospect (marché chaud ou froid) en...
Die Stärke Ihres Network-Marketing-Geschäfts wird anhand der Zahl der FührungsPersönlichkeiten gemessen, nicht anhand der Zahl der Vertriebspartner. Führungspersönlichkeiten sind die langfristige Grundlage...
Quer que seus clientes em potencial, de Marketing Multinível (MMN) e marketing de rede, implorem por uma demonstração, usando Quebra-Gelos?Você pode transformar qualquer cliente em potencial indiferente...
Want to get your MLM and network marketing prospects to beg you for a presentation by using Ice Breakers?You can turn any warm or cold prospect into a hot prospect, wanting to know all about your business.How?By...
No one is a "natural-born leader."Babies aren't given a manual on how to be a leader. Leadership is learned from others.So how will we teach eager distributors to become leaders?By showing, participating,...
Start your network marketing prospecting and presentations with first sentences that work.Your network marketing prospects pre-judge you, so manage that judgment in your favor.For many distributors, the...
Why can’t salesmen sell? And why won’t prospects listen?We offer great products to prospects. We say great things to people. We share our vision and passion with others.And they don’t buy, they don’t...
Are you looking for prospects for your MLM, network marketing, or any business?Would you like a presentation that rises way above the competition?Want to know what really motivates prospects to act?These...
Es geht nicht um die Präsentation. Es geht nicht um den Preis. Es geht auch nicht darum, wie der Atem des Verkäufers riecht.Es geht ausschließlich um die magischen ersten Sekunden, wenn ein Verkäufer...
Les leaders sont la clé.La force de votre entreprise de marketing de réseau se mesure en « leaders » - et non en quantité de distributeurs. Les leaders garantissent des fondations durables à votre entreprise.Tous...
In network marketing, the easiest and most comfortable way to prospect, sell and sponsor, is with ... a story. Facts are boring. Everyone represents a company with great facts. Our prospects have heard...
Do you want to be a leader? Or, do you want more leaders on your network marketing team?The strength of your network marketing business is measured in leaders - not in the number of distributors. Leaders...
What should a new distributor do first?So much for the new distributor to learn, only part-time hours, but they need to build quickly. MLM is different than a regular job. Every new person in your business...
Niemand ist von Natur aus eine geborene Führungskraft.Babys kommen nicht mit einem Handbuch zur Welt, wie sie sich Führungsfähigkeiten aneignen sollen. Führungsfähigkeiten lernt man von anderen Menschen.Wie...
Instant bonding, instant communication, and how to get your network marketing prospects to fully understand and act on your message = fun!This is the most fun of the 25 skills of network marketing. Our...
Amorcez vos approches en marketing relationnel et vos présentations avec des premières phrases qui fonctionnent.Vos prospects en marketing de réseau vous jugent rapidement, alors faites pencher ce jugement...
Große Geschichtenerzähler gehen in die Geschichte ein.Warum? Weil sie die besten Kommunikatoren sind.Und ist das nicht die Fertigkeit, die Network-Marketer am meisten brauchen? Wir brauchen sie, um die...
Sie können jeden Warm- oder Kaltkontakt in einen heißen Interessenten verwandeln, der alles über Ihr Geschäft erfahren möchte. Wie? Indem Sie lernen, die Vorstellung Ihres Geschäfts in ein gewöhnliches...
Lire dans les pensées est amusant ! Lorsqu’on connait la façon de réfléchir des prospects, vendre et parrainer devient simple. Apprenez à entrer dans la tête de vos prospects avec cette compétence facile...
Struggling against the restraints in the dentist's chair, I could smell his sadistic and evil garlic breath. The lights dimmed. Terror. I knew what was coming next – the drill. I braced myself as the...
Will pressing the elevator button three times put it into "faster mode?" Did we break the secret elevator code? No. We all look for ways to break the "hidden codes" in our lives. Why? To better understand...
Deux distributeurs rencontrent le même prospect. L'un des deux ajoute un nouveau membre à son équipe. L'autre retourne à la maison bredouille. Quelle est la différence ? Les mots qu'ils ont utilisés. Certaines...
Prospecting? Presentations? Closing? Enrolling? These are the easy steps. Now the hard work begins. Our new team members know ... nothing. They think, "What do I do first? I don't have a business plan....
We talk. Our prospects have a choice. Continue thinking about their interesting lives, or Stop what they are thinking, and listen to someone they don't care about. Ouch. We can't succeed if no one...
Paralyzed with fear? Can't get started? Never again!What if we could put our new team members into action immediately? How? With the exact words to say and the exact activities to do. In just a few minutes,...
Selling is easy, when you have pre-sold prospects coming to you.Whether you are a small business, a network marketer, or a professional salesman, prospects that have been pre-sold by your personal networking...
Do you want to meet new people easily? Want to bond with new people quickly?Instantly remove fear, shyness, and rejection. Follow these little formulas for stress-free introductions and conversations...
Does anyone listen when we talk?Do we simply blend into the background?Let's change that now.Influence gives us the power to affect others and our world. Yes, we want to be heard, but what is more important...
Want to add some humor to your next network marketing training? Need a good laugh? Want to tease your worthless sponsor?Here is a collection of worthless sponsor jokes from 25 years of the "Big Al Report."...
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