U. Kivi has university examination -civil engineer- with major subject in physics and minor subject in mathematics. He has made thermodynamic calculations with relation to nuclear power station accidents. Due to his background the style of the writer is very pragmatic and the description of thermodynamic processes is very thorough in books 'Termodynamiikka' and 'Thermodynamics'. The writer is interested in relativity theory - books 'Painovoima' and 'Gravitation', but is not at all professional in that field. Because Finnish name 'Uuno' means one in Italy or ein in Germany and name 'Kivi' means stein in Germany, pseudonym 'Uuno Kivi' may be interpreted as Einstein. Uuno means also stupid in Finnish, so that if the reader doesn't like the contents of the books he/she may interpret the pseudonym as 'stupid as a stone'.
Kirjassa on johdettu lausekkeet suhteellisuusteoreettisessa ratayhtälössä esiintyville integroimisvakiolle planeetan radan minimi- ja maksimietäisyyden ja Schwarzschildin säteen funktiona. Kirjassa on esitelty algoritmi kappaleen radan laskemiseksi suhteellisuusteorian mukaan. Kirjan...
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