Pantalla :
Mr. Gharib’s family is made up of 1,000 kids! And just like other children, they want pets too. But how will they prove to their parents that they can handle the responsibility? How many pets do they...
Adam had no idea what an adventure he was in for when he lost his ball. In fact, it would be impossible for him to guess, because you are the one writing this story! It's up to you to choose the course...
Out in the countryside lives a very extraordinary family – the family of Mr. Gharib! It’s a huge number of people! There are enough to fill an entire school, make up 44 sports teams. They use a motorized...
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L’importance du travail n’est nullement à mettre en doute. Comme le pensait Kant, il satisfait la conscience morale et la fierté humaine. Au-delà du besoin existentiel, il représente un véritable devoir...
Sans aucun doute avez-vous entendu parler du Tour de France ? Mais parlons-nous du même ? Vous songez certainement à la grande course de vélo estivale ? Je m’en doutais ! Le tour de France que je vous...
Cette œuvre relate le parcours courageux d’une petite fille. Dans la grande maison de sa nounou, elle a appris à lire, à compter, à pleurer et à mentir. Lorsqu’elle a neuf ans et demi, à la rentrée des...
Mathéo est impertinent et très colérique, quant à Léa, c'est une petite fille discrète et rêveuse. Lorsque les deux enfants montent sur un tatami pour découvrir l'aïkido, cela va leur changer la vie !...
Christmas in Singapore is special, with families all over the island celebrating in their own unique ways. Come join a young boy and read all about his family traditions. From visiting Orchard Road and...
Do you feel different ? Do you have a fertile imagination ? Is "Emotion" your favorite nickname ? Do you have a lot of empathy for others ? Do you overanalyze things ? Are you struggling in your relationships...
Revenir à l'essentiel et se reconnecter au rythme de Dame Nature, c'est le projet de cœur de Valérie Marie.Dédié aux amoureux de la cuisine mais aussi des jardiniers qui cultivent leur potager avec patience...
Beaucoup de choses sont de plus en plus claires pour moi. Je finis par comprendre que tout est juste. Tout ce que je vis n'est ni une épreuve ni une punition. C'est juste un moment, une préparation me...
Paris, mars 1810, alors que se prépare le mariage de Napoléon et de Marie-Louise d’Autriche, le quartier du Palais-Royal est le théâtre de crimes odieux : trois jeunes grisettes travaillant au magasin...
African-American computer security expert, Alayna Alexander, will do anything to have a family, including marry a man she doesn't love.But confusion in the form of tall, dark Khavon Brighton, a former...
Silver Badge "Recommended Read Reader Ready" Award WinnerJosh's new neighbor Beth is fragile, as easily spooked as the horse in his paddock no one can touch. Except her. Her persistence creates a friendship...
Four friends helping each other through life and love.Irish Fling, Ali, the smart one, travels to Ireland in search of her roots and a new start.Dirty Politics. Calm, steady Cam, returns home to Millersburg...
Cansado de ouvir das pessoas o que deve fazer?Por que não fundar seu próprio país? O reino de Jason! A República Federal de Katie! Como construir seu país será seu guia para criar uma nação a partir do...
When an old boyfriend kisses Valerie and her marriage of neglect reaches a crescendo, she realizes she's been lying to herself about being in love with her husband. With two special-needs kids, an anxious...
Prayer Lifestyle: Navigating Daily Challenges with Faith and Prayer is a comprehensive book written to deepen your spiritual practice through prayer and declaration. This prayer and declaration guide...
A emoção da fuga A Srta. Annie Andrews está finalmente livre para se casar com o homem que ama. Com sua irmã superprotetora fora do país em lua de mel, nada pode impedir sua fuga para Gretna Green - nada,...
Décidément, la vie ne se déroule pas toujours comme prévu ... Tom ne le comprend que trop du haut de ses neuf ans ... Désormais en fauteuil roulant, suite à un accident, le jeune garçon a démanagé temporairement...
Are you on a keto diet and finding it difficult give up carbohydrates? It's such a relief to know you can be on keto diet and still enjoy low carb bread. It takes a lot of effort and process finding the...
Es wird zwar immer erwähnt – fühlen ist wichtig, aber meiner Meinung nach ist es ausschließlich F Ü H L E N was eine Veränderung in allen Lebensbereichen möglich macht, alles andere ist „wie fettige Töpfe...
Valerie ist eine ganz „normale“ Frau der neuen Generation – 20 ist das neue 40. Wollten uns die Erfinder damit unterschwellig mitteilen, dass wir wieder an den Start müssen? Mit viel Elan kämpft sie sich...
Become Who You Are is a book that focuses on individual success, optimism, and helps with organizing actions to manifest daily freedom. Everyone's path is different. This book will help you design your...
"I Hear You" is about giving a voice to a child's emotional world. It explores 8 emotions a child might feel through the eyes of a snail. The illustrations will engage children aged 3 to 10 years old...
Enquanto Jack esté pescando em um dos 10.000 lagos em Minessota, ele se pergunta sobre as coisas e sua mente reflete a cada peixe que ele pesca. O picão verde como duas vezes ao dia, de manhã e no fim...
Avez-vous besoin d'un plan de cours de huit semaines pour enseigner l'écriture de reportages? Ou l'écriture journalistique? Ce livre couvre tout ce que vous avez besoin pour devenir un journaliste rédacteur...
Enquanto guardava recordações e fotos em uma caixa e um álbum e relembrava seus momentos, ela teve a ideia de realizar uma festa, pedindo a cada convidado que trouxesse alguma coisa antiga e nostálgica...
Cos'è successo ai vestiti antipiega? Tina si chiede mentre stira un paio di pantaloni a pinocchietto, con non poca fatica. Ripercorre la storia dei tessuti, dal perma press, ai vestiti senza pieghe,...
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