Not very keen on oral expression, French writer Véronique (Vero) Cazot had to learn very early on to use a pen, then a keyboard, to write all kinds of things: love letters, letters of motivation, trailers for television, sketches for a one-woman show, and screenplays of movies and series... She then expanded into scriptwriting for comics as well. Author of the humorous two-part series "Et toi, quand est-ce que tu t'y mets?," she continued her journey with two graphic novels: "Les petites distances" and "Betty Boob," which won numerous awards including the FNAC BD prize in 2018 and a selection at the Eisner Awards in 2019. She was brought on by Dupuis in 2020 to give life to the series "Olive" (Europe Comics in English), illustrated by Lucy Mazel.
Olive, 17 ans, introvertie, s'est créé un monde imaginaire très riche. Son quotidien est bousculé par l'arrivée de Lenny, un spationaute qui débarque dans son monde imaginaire. Elle se rend compte que Lenny existe vraiment et que la capsule qui le ramenait d'une mission spatiale...
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