View all books by Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo - Books and biography

Victor Marie Hugo (1802–1885) was a French poet, novelist, and dramatist of the Romantic movement and is considered one of the greatest French writers. Hugo’s best-known works are the novels Les Misérables, 1862, and The Hunchbak of Notre-Dame, 1831, both of which have had several adaptations for stage and screen.

Les misérables

Les Misérables

La Légende des Siècles

Les Misérables



Hors collection

Ecrits méconnus de Victor Hugo

Notre-Dame de Paris

Littérature et civilisation

À l’ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs

Collins Classics

Ça peut pas faire de mal

Macmillan Collector's Library

Les Misérables

Découverte classique

Grenier des acteurs


Oeuvres intégrales BAC

Penguin Little Black Classics

Le passeur poche

Expression théâtrale

Alianza Literaria (AL)


CLÁSICOS - Clásicos a Medida

Llibres infantils i juvenils - Clàssics a mida

Austral Básicos


World Classics

Alhena Literaria

Biblioteca de Grandes Escritores

3 books to know

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The Harvard Classics Shelf of Fiction


Encontro com os clássicos

Coleção 96 Páginas

Clássicos Zahar

Grandes Clássicos


Pequeños Grandes Ensayos

Essential Novelists

Harvard Classics

Coleção Histórias de Amor

Liber Liber

The Greatest Writers of All Time


I Grandi Classici della Letteratura Straniera

Grandi classici

Gli Imperdibili

Gli Imperdibili

Emozioni senza tempo

Libri da premio

Victor Hugo Collection



I Grandi Classici Illustrati della Letteratura

Clássicos da literatura mundial

Penguin Readers


Clydesdale Classics

Leather-bound Classics

Word Cloud Classics

Enriched Classics

Unexpurgated Start Publishing LLC

Los mejores clásicos

Almanaque dos Clássicos da Literatura Universal


Andhofs große Literaturbibliothek

Alfred Wolfensteins Kleine Bibliothek der Weltliteratur

Große verfilmte Geschichten

Klassiker bei Null Papier

Livres audio en français

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