Pantalla :
"The Voyage Out was published in 1915. It is a strange, tragic, inspired book whose scene is a South America not found on any map and reached by a boat which would not float on any sea, an America whose...
„Night and Day” by Virginia Woolf is her second novel and was published in 1919. But the novel is very forward-looking in its examination of relationships under the stress of the culture shift was occurring...
The Years is a 1937 novel by Virginia Woolf, the last she published in her lifetime. It traces the history of the genteel Pargiter family from the 1880s to the "present day" of the mid-1930s. Although...
A Haunted House is a 1944 collection of 18 short stories by Virginia Woolf.
Virginia Woolf: Orlando – Geschichte eines Lebens || Für die eBook-Ausgabe neu lektoriert und mit modernisierter Rechtschreibung. Voll verlinkt, mit eBook-Inhaltsverzeichnis und zahlreichen Erklärungen...
Virginia Woolf's Night and Day is populated by four major characters: Katharine Hilbery, Mary Datchet, Ralph Denham, and William Rodney. Through delineating their romantic adventures, the novel explores...
This book, newly updated, contains now several HTML tables of contents that will make reading a real pleasure! The first table of contents (at the very beginning of the ebook) lists the titles of all...
A collection of 8 short stories: A Haunted House; A Society; Monday or Tuesday; An Unwritten Novel; The String Quartet; Blue & Green; Kew Gardens; and, The Mark on the Wall.
I cinque brevi racconti di Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) qui presentati furono scritti dall’autrice inglese a partire dal 1917 e pubblicati all’interno della raccolta "Monday or Tuesday", edita nel 1921,...
Woolf began work on The Voyage Out in 1910 and had finished an early draft by 1912. The novel had a long and difficult gestation and was not published until 1915. It was written during a period in which...
Mrs Dalloway (published on 14 May 1925) is a novel by Virginia Woolf that details a day in the life of Clarissa Dalloway in post-World War I England. Mrs Dalloway continues to be one of Woolf's best-known...
Nel 1941, dopo aver donato alla letteratura del Novecento alcune delle sue opere più memorabili, Virginia Woolf si toglie tragicamente la vita. Nel 1953, Leonard Woolf decide di raccogliere in volume...
Virginia Woolf non fu solo la grande romanziera che tutti conosciamo, ma anche una raffinata saggista, una critica acutissima, un’instancabile pubblicista.Lettrice onnivora e anarchica, cercò nei libri...
Le difficoltà e le gioie del suo processo creativo; le tecniche narrative; i consigli ad amici scrittori impegnati nella stesura dei loro libri; i giudizi sull'opera di colleghi illustri, da Proust a...
For it is vain and foolish to talk of Knowing Greek, since in our ignorance we should be at the bottom of any class of schoolboys, since we do not know how the words sounded, or where precisely we ought...
Betty Flanders, veuve, trois enfants, Archer, le second Jacob, le dernier au berceau. Virginia Woolf écrit la vie de Jacob par petites touches légères successives, comme pour une aquarelle. Les portraits...
Die Geschichte Orlandos, eines schönen Jünglings aus adligem Haus, der als Frau Karriere macht. Von Königin Elisabeth I. wird er zum Schatz- und Hofmeister ernannt. Sie verliebt sich gar in ihn, während...
Ein autobiographischer Roman, der sich um die Geschichte der Stephen-Familie dreht. Mrs Ramsay will ihrem Sohn James zum Leuchtturm fahren. Doch es soll regnen und so kommt der Ausflug nicht zustande....
La primera de les novel·les ambqueVirginia Woolfrevolucionà la narrativa del seu temps.«Virginia Woolf esdéu,ningú no haescrit millor que ella.»Milena BusquetsLondres, un dia de juny de 1923.La senyora...
Les ones és un clàssic intemporal i una obra mestra de la narrativa de Virginia WoolfDes que es va publicar el 1931, Les ones ha estat considerada una de les obres cabdals de la narrativa del segle XX,...
Virginia Woolf sempre es va sentir atreta per l'univers de les festes, de la vida en societat, perquè en aquestes trobades els homes i les dones deixen de ser qui són i passen a representar el paper que...
Obra-prima do Modernismo, este é um dos romances mais celebrados de Virginia Woolf, considerado pela própria a sua grande obra.«Que sinto eu sobre os meus escritos? - este livro, ou seja, As Horas, se...
Considerado um dos textos mais importantes do século xx, Um Quarto Só Seu marca um momento fundador do feminismo moderno.Um ensaio marcante de uma autora incontornável do pensamento moderno, Virgínia...
Virginia Woolf's 'Jacob's Room' is a groundbreaking novel that challenges traditional narrative structures, offering a fragmented and impressionistic portrayal of its titular character, Jacob Flanders....
In 'A Writer's Diary' by Virginia Woolf, readers are invited into the intimate world of the author as she documents her thoughts, experiences, and creative process. Written in a raw and unfiltered style,...
In Virginia Woolf's 'Night and Day,' originally published in 1919 by Duckworth & Co., London, the reader is transported into the lives of two couples grappling with love, marriage, and personal fulfilment...
Virginia Woolf's novels, 'The Waves' and 'To the Lighthouse,' both exemplify her distinctive modernist style and themes of personal introspection. 'The Waves' follows the stream-of-consciousness narratives...
The Complete Novels of Virginia Woolf presents a comprehensive collection of nine unabridged novels by the esteemed author, showcasing her groundbreaking writing style and unique narrative techniques....
A WRITER'S DIARY by Virginia Woolf is a compelling collection of the author's diary entries spanning from 1918 to 1941. Written in a stream-of-consciousness style, the book captures Woolf's inner thoughts,...
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