Pantalla :
Non, les Amérindien·ne·s du Canada ne montent pas toutes et tous à cheval, ni ne vivent dans un tipi ou un un wigwam. Et, oui, beaucoup ont le français en partage, tel·le·s les dix auteur·e·s de ce recueil,...
Os artigos deste segundo volume da Coleção Temas procuram estabelecer diálogo entre os estudos sobre som, montagem e a fotografia do cinema no Brasil e na América Latina, tão relevantes na análise da...
Esta publicação, organizada a partir do projeto "Caminhos para a Autonomia – trajetórias dos egressos do Ensino Médio Integrado do IFRS Campus Osório", é um esforço coletivo em compreender os egressos,...
With all three of the Erotic Authors Collection together in this one bundle, you should be fully entertained for quite some time. The stories are many and varied and come from thirteen well established...
This Student Book provides a grammar-led approach with extensive exam preparation to develop independent, culturally aware students of German, ready for the exam.This book is endorsed by Cambridge International...
Here be dragons and sorcery, time travel and sorrow. Vicious garden gnomes. A grounded phoenix rider. A new mother consumed with vengeance. A dying god. Soul magic. These stories wrestle with the experience...
O segundo volume da Coleção "Gestalt-terapia: fundamentos e práticas" trata de temas como awareness, funções, fases e ciclo de contato, fronteira de contato, o self e suas funções, autorregulação organísmica...
This book,contains now several HTML tables of contents that will make reading a real pleasure! The first table of contents (at the very beginning of the ebook) lists the titles of all novels included...
Habt Mut! Habt Spaß! Lacht viel! Seid bunt! Wir bringen ein Sammelsurium aus Mutmach- und Tiergeschichten in dein Kinderzimmer oder Omas Schaukelstuhl und stellen deine Welt auf den Kopf. Wer ist...
Hay-men, mommets, tattie bogles, kakashi, tao-tao—whether formed of straw or other materials, the tradition of scarecrows is pervasive in farming cultures around the world. The scarecrow serves as decoy,...
Poeresia: poesia e heresia Venha cá, não tenha medo. Coloque para fora o que guarda aí há tanto tempo. Um dia te disseram para esconder isso aí, que era piegas, tosco, não digno de ser revelado....
This book contains the following works arranged alphabetically by authors last names The Abbot's Ghost, or Maurice Treherne's Temptation [Louisa May Alcott] The Ghost [Arnold Bennett] The Haunted Man...
Vintage Erotica: 20 Must-Read Memoirs & Classic Novels presents a scintillating and profound exploration of erotica through centuries of literary mastery. Spanning a range of styles from the explicit...
This edition presents classic erotic masterpieces that delve into the realm of forbidden desires and concealed passions. These stories champion sexual fulfillment and candor within relationships during...
This book, newly updated, contains now several HTML tables of contents that will make reading a real pleasure! The first table of contents (at the very beginning of the ebook) lists the titles of all...
Coletânea de contos de terror traz autores clássicos e fora do nicho para uma nova abordagem do gênero.Contos de assombro é uma coletânea de dezenove textos que procura abordar a literatura fantástica...
This book contains several tables of HTML content for easy reading. The novels are sorted in chronological order. content: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving On Ghosts by Mary Shelley...
This book contains several tables of HTML content for easy reading.The novels are sorted in chronological order.content:The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington IrvingOn Ghosts by Mary ShelleyThe Haunted...
Planting the Seeds of Imagination Holly Ordway has established herself as one of the preeminent voices in the field of cultural apologetics. Her ability to engage with the imagination is clearly demonstrated...
WhimsicalPoet: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry is a new quarterly anthology that features the work of today's most talented artists and poets. Each issue is carefully curated to accrue a fine selection...
Muito se discute sobre o SUS, e sobre "Trabalhar no SUS"? Esta obra busca responder tal indagação, abordando a gestão do trabalho, regida pela Reforma Neoliberal, enfatizando as repercussões psicossociais...
With A to Z Classics, discover or rediscover all the classics of literature. Contains Active Table of Contents (HTML) The first table of contents (at the very beginning of the ebook) lists the titles...
Desde o circo itinerante, montado sob lonas e que passava de geração em geração, muitas mudanças ocorreram, com uma tensão positiva entre a tradição e a inovação. Este livro busca, por meio de ensaios...
As histórias têm o poder de inspirar e ensinar. Elas geram emoções que tornam nossas experiências inesquecíveis. Quando alguém se dedica a compartilhar um acontecimento, ele abre o que há de mais íntimo...
Assembled from the second year of the digital journal Mythic Delirium and recast in an artfully arranged anthology, this latest offering from editors Mike and Anita Allen will introduce you to harrowing...
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