Wallace Peeples, better known online as “Wallo267,” is a multi-hyphenated entrepreneur, a social influencer and activist, and a three-time Ted X speaker that reaches millions of people globally. He cohosts his Barstool Sports podcast Million Dollaz Worth of Game with his cousin and rapper Gillie Da Kid. Not only is Wallo a top-rated podcaster and revered cultural advisor on YouTube, but he is also the chief marketing officer of REFORM Alliance, an organization dedicated to transforming probation and parole systems. He is a highly sought-after thought leader who has captivated the hearts and minds of a diverse spectrum of people utilizing his unwavering, humanitarian gift to humor, provoke, and incite prosperous mindset shifts and awe-inspiring change.
Wallace “Wallo267” Peeples spent twenty years in and out of the prison system before restarting his life and catapulting himself to unforeseen levels of social impact, cultural influence, and success. Now he shares his story with the trademark honesty that’s made him an inspiration...
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