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Wayne Barber - Books and biography

He was pastor of Woodland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee for 18 years. For 14 years, Dr. Barber was a co-teacher with Kay Arthur at Precept Ministries. During that tenure he studied with Dr. Spiros Zodhiates and co-hosted the national radio and TV program "New Testament Light." He authored several books and has taught the message of living grace, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory all around the world. He was President, founder and principle speaker of Living Grace Ministries. In February of 2011 he returned to Woodland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee as senior pastor. He went to be with the Lord on August 29, 2016.

Más leídos del autor

Los Hechos Acerca Del Islam

Released on August 1, 2015
VAT included
Los Hechos Acerca Del Islam destaca el crecimiento explosivo del Islam y su creciente influencia en el mundo. Examina la tradición musulmana y contesta las preguntas que la gente tiene hoy: ¿Por qué naciones islámicas quieren la guerra contra Israel? ¿Cómo comenzó el Islam, y... See more

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