Wilkie Collins' 'The Woman in White' is a gripping Victorian sensation novel that combines elements of mystery, romance, and social commentary. Written in an epistolary style, the novel follows the lives...
Wilkie Collins' 'Armadale' is a gripping suspense thriller that delves into the complexities of identity, inheritance, and fate. The novel, set in Victorian England, follows the intertwined destinies...
Wilkie Collins' novel, 'Mr Wray's Cash Box', showcases his mastery of suspense and intricate plotting typical of Victorian sensation fiction. Set in a remote English village, the story follows the mysterious...
Wilkie Collins' 'Armadale' is a gripping sensation novel that delves into themes of identity, fate, and morality. The intricate plot follows the intertwined lives of two young men, both named Allan Armadale,...
Wilkie Collins' 'The Autobiographical Works of Wilkie Collins' offers readers a unique insight into the life and mind of this esteemed author. Through his autobiographical writings, Collins presents a...
This carefully crafted ebook: "Wilkie Collins: The Complete Short Stories" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Wilkie Collins (1824–1889) was an English novelist,...
This carefully crafted ebook: "Complete Works of Wilkie Collins: Novels, Short Stories, Plays, Essays and Memoirs (Illustrated)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents....
Wilkie Collins' novel 'The Dead Secret' delves into the mysterious and haunting tale of a hidden family secret that unravels the lives of characters in a gripping narrative. Collins' literary style is...
Marito e Moglie fu pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1870, spesso citato come il primo romanzo di Wilkie Collins nel quale vengono affrontate questioni sociali, è un lavoro in cui l’autore attacca le...
Quando un’assassina in procinto di essere giustiziata chiede a un sacerdote senza figli di prendersi cura della sua bambina, l’uomo non sa rifiutare. L’uomo pero? ha poco dopo una figlia naturale. Le...
The Dead Secret is a novel published by Wilkie Collins, first in 1857 as a series in Charles Dickens' Household Words weekly magazine and later the same year as a book. William Wilkie Collins (8 January...
It was the opening of the season of eighteen hundred and thirty-two, at the Baths of Wildbad. The evening shadows were beginning to gather over the quiet little German town, and the diligence was expected...
Il racconto si svolge in una misteriosa e bellissima Venezia del 1800, in uno stupendo ma sinistro albergo abitato da passate presenze, orrende visioni e allucinanti realtà. Pubblicato a puntate dal giugno...
‘La pietra di Luna’ uscì in Inghilterra nel 1868 a puntate sul periodico di Londra ‘All the Year Round’, il cui direttore era Charles Dickens. Viene considerato il primo romanzo giallo della storia. Come...
“Fateli ridere, fateli piangere, ma soprattutto teneteli in sospeso”, diceva Wilkie Collins parlando della trama che un buon libro deve avere. In ‘Senza nome’ Collins tiene in sospeso il lettore per tutta...
In 'Little Novels' by Wilkie Collins, a collection of short stories is presented that showcase Collins' unique literary style of mixing melodrama, suspense, and social commentary. Each story presents...
Wilkie Collins' novel 'Man and Wife' is a Victorian sensation novel that delves into themes of marriage, identity, and legal complexities. Written in Collins' signature style of intricate plotting and...
Wilkie Collins' 'I Say No' is a compelling novel that explores the themes of independence, identity, and societal constraints through the story of a young woman who defies societal norms by refusing a...
In 'Miss or Mrs.?', Wilkie Collins delves into the complexity of Victorian domestic life and the position of women in society through the story of a young woman who must navigate the expectations placed...
In Wilkie Collins' novel 'The New Magdalen,' the reader is taken on a journey exploring themes of redemption, morality, and society's treatment of fallen women. Written in Collins' signature suspenseful...
In Wilkie Collins' novel, 'The Dead Secret,' readers are taken on a thrilling journey through a complex web of secrets, betrayal, and mystery. Set in the Victorian era, this book showcases Collins' keen...
In Wilkie Collins' 'The Black Robe,' the reader is taken on a thrilling journey through Victorian England as the author expertly weaves together elements of mystery, gothic horror, and social commentary....
Wilkie Collins' 'Antonina; Or, The Fall of Rome' is a captivating historical novel set in the declining Roman Empire. Through intricate storytelling and vivid descriptions, Collins takes the reader on...
Wilkie Collins' novel 'Poor Miss Finch' is a captivating tale of deception, obsession, and unconventional love. Set in the Victorian era, the book explores themes of identity, beauty, and societal expectations....
In Wilkie Collins' novel Hide and Seek, readers are taken on a thrilling journey of mystery and suspense. The book follows the story of a young woman who becomes entangled in a web of secrets and deceit...
The Woman in White is considered to be among the first mystery novels and is widely regarded as one of the first and finest in the genre of "sensation novels". The story is sometimes considered an early...
THE main purpose of this story is to appeal to the reader's interest in a subject which has been the theme of some of the greatest writers, living and dead—but which has never been, and can never be,...
In acknowledgment of the services which he has rendered to the cause of literature by his "Life of Goldsmith;" and in affectionate remembrance of a friendship which is associated with some of the happiest...
In 'Rambles Beyond Railways; or, Notes in Cornwall taken A-foot' by Wilkie Collins, readers are treated to a literary journey through the scenic landscapes of Cornwall. The book is a collection of Collins'...
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