Pantalla :
"This riveting, haunting tale will leave readers clamoring for more." Best BooksIt's A.D. 79 on the slopes of Vesuvius. With no warning the mountain has erupted into violent, terrifying life. Those who...
Starting a business involves the creation and organization of an entity to offer goods or services to consumers. The process begins with formulating a business idea, conducting market research, and identifying...
Uma seleção de textos publicados em jornais, revistas e livros entre 1952 e 2010 deu origem ao livro Os Mineiros: modernistas, sucessores & avulsos(Gryphus Editora), de Wilson Figueiredo, organizado...
Somewhere in the darkness, the Tiger waits to strike… Abandoning her comfortable American life, Stefanie Peng sets out for China on a desperate quest to rescue her grandfather, a pastor in the underground...
The macOS Ventura Guide has all you need to know about the newest version of macOS. It's the go-to resource for both Mac novices and experienced users looking to upgrade, packed with helpful advice and...
Um capita?o monarca vive um amor inesperado numa repu?blica inexperiente, que mais tarde enviara? milhares de combatentes impreparados para sucumbirem nas longi?nquas trincheiras da Flandres, deixando...
Making money online has become increasingly popular and accessible due to technological advancements, the proliferation of the internet, and changing work paradigms. For those interested in generating...
Einigen Personen zufolge wurde die Idee für Ethereum im Jahr 2009 geboren, als Bitcoin die erste praktische Lösung für Dezentralisierung darstellte. Es ist tatsächlich unbestreitbar, dass der Erfolg der...
Um negócio de afiliado da Amazon deverá parecer a melhor ideia do mundo para qualquer pessoa que queira ganhar a vida com fontes de renda on-line, e ousamos dizer que talvez pareça boa demais para ser...
Apple ha svelato la nuova versione di iOS, iOS 12. La versione è disponibile gratuitamente sia per iPad che per iPhone dalla fine del 2018. Di seguito sono riportate alcune delle migliori funzionalità...
The accompanying pages are intended as an introduction to the magnificent Egyptian Obelisk which is about to take its place among the monuments of London. This Obelisk was hewn in the renowned quarries...
Richards Wilsons Geschichten stammen vorwiegend aus dem Ramayana und Mahabharata sowie aus anderen Quellen und erzählen auch die Legende von Buddhas Leben. Sie sind ein englischer Klassiker, der sich...
Eight unrelated obese females are kidnapped from Modesto, California, and held in a remote ranch in Mexico as test subjects in a pharmaceutical company’s development of a diet medication. Each is forced...
A book you will not be able to put down.
Who are you, really?Do you identify with your mind? Do you believe in your fears? Do you get overwhelmed by your emotions?7 Illusions helps us discover the truth of our being by unveiling what stands...
Vivemos no mundo do apego e do consumo. Agarramo-nos no que conquistamos e ainda assim sofremos. Ainda queremos mais e temos que ficar atentos para que o que conquistamos não nos seja tomado. Como conviver...
Are you struggling to lose excess pounds? Are you tired of trying the diets of the moment that promise great results but only leave you hungry and unsatisfied? Then, it's time to revolutionize your approach...
Embark on a culinary journey with my "Buddha Bowls Cookbook - 50 Wholesome and Colorful Bowl Recipes for Healthy Eating." As the author, I'm thrilled to share a delightful collection of recipes that celebrate...
Mit Energie durchs Leben: Wege aus der Erschöpfungsfalle Du stehst morgens auf, fühlst dich erschöpft und müde – ein Zustand, der dein tägliches Leben beeinträchtigt. In "Mit Energie durchs Leben" teilt...
Willkommen auf einer Reise zu einem gesünderen, entspannteren Leben – und das ganz ohne den Stress, den du vielleicht gerade verspürst. In unserer Gesellschaft, die sich nach maximaler Lebensfreude sehnt,...
Die Kraft der Hochsensibilität: Empfindsamkeit als Stärke nutzen - Strategien für ein ausgeglichenes Leben und mehr Lebensfreude bei hochsensiblen Menschen Entdecke in meinem Buch 'Die Kraft der Hochsensibilität:...
Entdecke mit dem "Cholesterin senken Kochbuch" eine Welt voller Geschmack und Gesundheit! In diesem umfassenden Buch findest du 250 köstliche Rezept-Ideen, die nicht nur deine Geschmacksknospen verwöhnen,...
As the pages of life turn, we journey through the ever-changing seasons of the soul. Spring whispers of new beginnings, budding with the promise of growth and renewal. In summer's warmth, we bask in the...
Saudamos, com entusiasmo, a publicação de Arte e manhas do Jabuti, de Wilson Marques […]. Saudamos as vozes do povo Guajajara, que preservaram, à sua maneira, com as suas marcas e particularidades, as...
Nessas férias, Duda terá a companhia do primo Beto. Ao receber a notícia, a animação é total, mas, passados os primeiros dias, Duda se sente incomodado e com ciúmes do primo, para quem todos dão atenção....
After a mage entry exam ends in disaster, Arch Mage Cani ends up cursed, bound to suffer a slow and painful death.Cani's husband, Nabis, is distraught. Forced to watch his wife burn from the inside out...
Angststörungen, Panikattacken und Phobien dauerhaft überwinden: Mit Achtsamkeit zur mentalen Balance (Inklusive Selbsthilfestrategien & Schlaftipps) Tauche ein in die Welt der inneren Balance und...
Willkommen zu meinem "Intervallfasten Kochbuch" - dein Schlüssel zu gesunder und effektiver Gewichtsreduktion! In diesem Buch teile ich 400 kalorienarme Rezepte, die nicht nur köstlich sind, sondern auch...
Veganes Kochbuch: 150+ gesunde und leckere Rezepte für täglichen Genuss in der veganen Küche Entdecke mit dem "Veganes Kochbuch: 150 gesunde und leckere Rezepte für täglichen Genuss in der veganen Küche"...
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