The author Wolfgang Brix has worked for 36 years as engine expert in the company Airbus on all projects and programs and has evaluated and recalculated numerous engines. The contact to the engine companies has resulted in a huge archive of informations, photos and figures as basis of this book. His interest in the history of jet engines has led to contacts to the family of the German inventor Hans von Ohain and to the son of the English inventor Frank Whittle, producing new insights into the history of jet engines. The author has tried to explain the technology simple but precise and has used plenty of photos and figures.The author wishes the inclined reader an entertaining reading pleasure. His goal would be achieved if the reader occasionally thinks: where did he get that from, or: I didn't know that before, or: he has explained that well.
Fliegen gehört heutzutage zu unserem Leben. Wir können in bequemen Sitzen um die halbe Welt fast jedes Ziel in fernen Ländern erreichen. Nur wenige Passagiere aber wissen, dass die Triebwerke (im Volksmund Düsen genannt), die man aus dem Flugzeugfenster unter dem Flügel sieht, erst...
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