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Zane Grey - Books and biography

Pearl Zane Grey (1872 1939) was an American author and dentist best known for his popular adventure novels and stories associated with the Western genre in literature and the arts; he idealized the American frontier. Riders of the Purple Sage (1912) was his best-selling book.Grey became one of the first millionaire authors. With his veracity and emotional intensity, he connected with millions of readers worldwide, during peacetime and war, and inspired many Western writers who followed him.

Forlorn River

Essential Western Novels

Big Book of Best Short Stories Specials

Big Book of Best Short Stories

7 best short stories - specials

World Classics

The Ohio River Trilogy

Forlorn River

7 best short stories

Essential Novelists

3 books to know

Literatura universal

Xist Classics Bundles

Riders of the Purple Sage

Unabridged Start Publishing LLC

Word Cloud Classics

Leather-bound Classics

La grande collection

Riders of the Purple Sage

The Ohio River Trilogy

Forlorn River

Best Short Stories Omnibus

Más leídos del autor

La heroína de Fort Henry

From Zane Grey
Released on January 31, 2023
VAT included
La familia Zane, formada por cinco hijos y una hija, la heroína de nuestra historia, descubre los fértiles valles de Ohio y decide fundar, con un puñado de valientes, lo que llegó a ser una próspera colonia. Ante las hostilidades de las poblaciones autóctonas, con la ayuda del general... See more

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