Arabella hides an extraordinary secret: she is a witch, known only to the spirit of her late grandmother. Living a simple life as a café worker and vegetable seller, she avoids using her powers, despite...
Hilarity ensues in Valentine Beaumont's seventh action-packed adventure when the feisty beautician enrolls her staff in a team-building camp in California. Learning how to work together in harmony takes...
8 years ago she ran to safety. Now Charlotte Montgomery's past has caught up with her. Charlotte Montgomery was forced to leave everything behind to shield her son from a dangerous life. As an artist,...
För ett antal år sedan, egentligen rätt många, var jag bosatt i Höganäs, staden som Gud glömde, den kallas så i intellektuell folkmun. En granne som ingick i ett kamratligt golfgäng frekventerade vintertid,...
En grupp orienterare fann på lördagskvällen en skottskadad kvinna i ett skogsområde i Örkelljunga trakten. Kvinnan var halvt övergrävd, lyckligtvis fanns läkare med i sällskapet och efter en kort hjärt-...
Meet Whiskers, an ordinary-looking tabby with an extraordinary secret: the ability to travel through time. For young Alex, Whiskers' owner, life takes an unexpected turn when the curious feline transports...
In the heart of Annapolis, Maryland, the salty tang of the Chesapeake Bay mingles with the whispers of history. Jack Harrington, a historian and amateur archaeologist, and his spirited research partner,...
Charlotte iakttar nyfiket Larsson, och säger: - Var det verkligen honom du ville träffa? Jag får inte fram ett ord, det händer något med mig som jag inte kan kontrollera. Sekunden efter är jag i Charlottes...
Jag är så himla trött att jag knappt ser vart jag springer, lite längre fram finns det en gångbro, kan jag nå den har jag kanske en chans. - Nu har jag dig! skriker kvinnan. Samtidigt känner jag ett ryck...
In this fourth volume, Nina, Hammond, Lily, David and Atrix battle to survive against a demon invasion. While the city burns down around them, the group is forced to seek help from Goge and his undead...
Introducing "More Bedtime Tales From Around the World," a collection of stories designed to introduce young children to important character traits and emotional skills. These tales offer a gentle, engaging...
"Deception in Bloom" is a captivating tale that weaves romance, suspense, and mystery into an unforgettable story of love and betrayal.Cat Sinclair thought she had met the perfect man in the charming...
"Raus aus den Schulden: Der Weg zu finanzieller Stabilität und Sicherheit"Fühlst du dich von deinen Schulden überwältigt? Hast du Schwierigkeiten, deine finanziellen Ziele zu erreichen, weil deine Schulden...
Epic space battles, ground warfare, destructive tech and aliens you'd definitely want to put a gauss slug into. The first three books in the Obsidiar Fleet series are now available in this omnibusThe...
Adolfo Pio Albani è un professore di arte, vive solo e gode della compagnia della governante messicana Rosita e delle visite della nipote Isabella. Nonostante un carattere meticoloso e calcolatore nonché...
"Auschwitz: A Day in Hell" is a harrowing historical fiction novel that transports readers to the grim setting of Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II. The book meticulously reconstructs a...
When Tornadoes Collide is a gripping, emotionally charged romance that sweeps you into the high-stakes world of politics and passion. Christopher, the youngest president in U.S. history, is a man driven...
<p>Sense feina, acabada de divorciar i amb la mort del seu pare encara recent, la Gris es troba, amb quaranta anys, amb una vida a la deriva i que cada cop sent menys seva.</p><p> Des...
After surviving a devastating earthquake, Lin Mei returns to her childhood village, only to find it cloaked in eerie silence. The once familiar faces now seem distant, and strange occurrences plague the...
Una entranyable història sobre com trobar el puntet de valentia dins nostre. La Maite no és com la seva intrèpida amiga Marga. La Maite és una gallina a la qual TOT li fa por (de nit, de dia, i qualsevol...
In the aftermath of humanity's last golden age, civilization reached unimaginable heights only to crumble into dust in an instant. Now, thousands of years later, Earth is a transformed world. Nature has...
Sam Gentry is not your run-of-the-mill operative.For one thing, he didn't sign on with the company until... well, later than most.But he had tons of experience long before he saw the Blackwell Ops ad.Many...
Forty-six enthralling stories from the most talented science fiction, fantasy, and horror writers.A robotics designer has only her wits to rescue her kidnapped sister....— "Swatted" by Devin MillerJennet...
Meet Max McMuddle, an 11-year-old master of accidental chaos whose life is a never-ending series of mishaps, misadventures, and hilarious disasters. With his fearless best friend Tommy at his side, Max...
Shattered by Secrets is a sizzling, emotional rollercoaster of love, betrayal, and redemption that will keep you hooked until the very last page.Zachary is a man of power and influence, heir to a prestigious...
Amazon King: Dominate the World's Largest MarketplaceStep into the world of Amazon King, where success on the world's largest e-commerce platform is within your grasp. This eBook provides a masterclass...
Seeing that nothing could be gotten out of Qiu Shengming, Qiu Yiyao no longer insisted, picked up her bag and walked out the door.Grandpa Qin came out of the store with a cane, and seeing Qiu Yiyao's...
- Summary of the four parts -Part One-Falling-Beirut: in September of the year of our Lord 1975... all airlines stopped flying to Lebanon's capital: because of the brutal, bloody and relentless civil...
Officer Xu was stunned. He looked at Xiao Yu in disbelief: "Are you sure?""No, I'm not nearsighted. The twins were brought back and were directly locked up in the interrogation room."Xiao Yu wiped the...
"Why are you crying? Eat quickly, don't let anyone find out."A Yue took out a big bun from the bag and stuffed it into Qiu Yiyao's mouth: "You will feel energetic only when you are full, otherwise how...
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