Pantalla :
La principessa del pop con i suoi capelli blu, le labbra imbronciate, lo sguardo ammaliatore e la voce di una sirena… è sempre stata troppo impegnata per noi. La musica sembra essere l'unico linguaggio...
Erin Kealoha never set out to become a PI's sidekick, but after escaping from a cult, becoming an accidental drug mule—it wasn't her fault, honest—and then getting fired from a strip joint, she lucked...
Nathaniel Sutton may be an earl, but after losing the woman he loved, has no interest in marriage, children, or any of it. When he is caught in the garden with Miss Plimpton, unchaperoned, he initially...
He would do anything for a fellow Kantenan. Almost anything, anyway. ★Most Wanted Alien Brides: Kantenans Book 2★Stron has a system, an order, to his personal affairs that keeps him in line. One of them?...
Attention, une barbe blanche peut cacher un ex !Fraichement arrivée à Cawker City, Chiaara se retrouve seule pour Noël.Qu'à cela ne tienne ! La mairie organise un concert de Rock qui revisite les chants...
Fredrick has watched Ava from afar, admiring her but never knowing how to approach her. As Ava's father buries himself deeper in debt, and uses Ava as collateral Fredrick sees his opening. He makes a...
Fifteen years ago, six college housemates accidentally opened a dimensional threshold, unleashing monsters into their world. Charlie was the only one who dared to touch the portal, gaining the secret...
In de immense leegte ontwaakt een bewustzijn, beginnend aan een odyssee waar werelden geboren worden uit gedachten en vervagen tot echo's."God Ik Ben" doorkruist etherische rijken, van de zachte streling...
Uçsuz bucaksız boşlukta, bir bilinç uyanıyor, düşünceden doğan ve yankılara dönüşen dünyaların odiseye çıkıyor."Tanrı Benim" eterik alemlerden geçiyor, sabah ışığının nazik okşamasından, kelebeklerle...
The clock is ticking, even though Marlee has already been missing for over six years.Isaac Sofer has three months before his wife is declared dead. But when Jesse and Cindy arrive to take the case, it...
Willkommen in einer Welt, umhüllt von unsichtbaren Ketten, einem Planeten, auf dem die Essenz der Freiheit längst vergessen ist und seine Bewohner unwissentlich als "Sklaven" leben. Ein Reich, in dem...
Je slacht je kind en verplettert zijn kwetsbare botten met je eigen handen. Jouw oorlogen ruilen levens als munten voor lijnen op kaarten, voor macht, voor geld, en schilderen de wereld in tinten van...
В огромной пустоте просыпается сознание, отправляясь в путешествие, где миры рождаются из мысли и угасают в эхе. "Боже я есть" пробирается через эфирные царства, от нежных прикосновений утреннего света,...
Ты убиваешь своего ребенка, ломаешь его хрупкие кости своими руками. Твои войны торгуют жизнями как монетами, рисуют границы на картах ради власти и денег, окрашивают мир в оттенки горя. Твои шепоты разжигают...
Σφάζεις το παιδί σου, συνθλίβοντας με τα χέρια σου τα εύθραυστα κόκαλά του. Οι πόλεμοι σου ανταλλάσσουν ζωές σαν νομίσματα, για γραμμές σε χάρτες, για χρήμα, ζωγραφίζοντας αποχρώσεις της θλίψης. Οι ψίθυροι...
Dein eigenes Kind schlachtest du, brichst seine Knochen mit deinen eigenen Händen. Deine Kriege tauschen Leben gegen Macht und Reichtum, für Grenzen auf Landkarten, färben die Welt in Trauerschatten....
Çocuğunu katlediyorsun, kırılgan kemiklerini kendi ellerinle ezerek. Savaşların, haritalardaki çizgiler, güç ve para için hayatları madeni paralar gibi takas ediyor, dünyayı hüzün tonlarına boyuyor. Fısıltıların...
Who needs a man when chocolate exists? Edie Renner doesn't date. As well as her own teenage trauma, she carries the weight of stories from a thousand other survivors, tales of wolves in sheep's clothing...
In the enchanting world of our Forbidden Love Anthology Novel, transported to a pre-20th-century setting, love defies the boundaries of class and status. Witness the captivating retelling of timeless...
Ph.D. candidate, MJ, is the latest assignment for Nik, a Voice and immortal son of a Muse. A job he didn't want, but he made a promise to her recently deceased grandmother. Just as he'd once helped her...
THREE FOREVER FRIENDS. ONE UNFORGETTABLE SUMMERWhen Jake met Tom, he waved goodbye to trawling Birmingham's gay bars. He didn't reckon with sleeping under glow-in-the-dark stars in his childhood bedroom.Ambitious...
Chaos descends inside the quarantine zone as a hurricane threatens to finish what the disease started.With an army of infected pouring across Key West, the last bands of survivors are caught between fighting...
In Dri's world, dragons existed so long ago that nobody believes they were ever real, but Dri can see them. Shifted incorporeal, they still coexist with the people of Cretala, but now they feed off of...
When a sixty-years-dead lonely ghost meets the spirit of a child, she's forced to confront the monsters haunting her to provide the child with companionship. Whether by finding others trapped in-between...
When new members bring greedy promises of more cash into the clubhouse and want to take a contract that goes against what Ezekiel and the club stand for, Ezekiel wants nothing to do with them or their...
Like a bad penny, Bodhi Heath keeps popping up and disappearing. But this time, Donovan will hunt his brother down and find out the truth about his mother, their father, and a past neither of them ever...
Tu massacres ton enfant, écrasant ses fragiles os de tes mains. Tes guerres échangent des vies comme des pièces de monnaie contre des lignes sur des cartes, pour le pouvoir, pour l'argent, peignant le...
Alles beginnt so einfach, fast beiläufig, wie ein Freund, der von einem kurzen Spaziergang zurückkehrt, ohne sich entfaltende Galaxien oder explodierende Sonnen.Gott zu sein ist nicht so, wie man es erwarten...
Perhaps Virgil should have said, "Love conquers most…" Elizabeth Chadwick has now faced off against an army, furious dragons, a bubbling volcano, and even an ex-boyfriend and lived to tell the tale. She's...
Underneath the chaos of the club, sparks ignite to prove that even in the darkest nights, a fallen star can still shine. Can Jude and Ever withstand the darkness, or will it be lights out forever?
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