Pantalla :
"The Unhappiest Place on Earth" is a captivating coming-of-age novel that follows the journey of Weston Hill-Cho, a 17-year-old boy who hates Disneyland. On the day of his senior trip, Weston's mother...
Book Two of the Library of Souls: Fantasy Unleashed.Ever since Kirk began to regain his memories, life has been rather chaotic.
Book Three of The Library of Souls: Fantasy Unleashed Pixie must decide what to do when her horses are stolen.
Boyd (Bowie) De' Mendoza is a little strange. So infatuated with finding his person, it seemed as though the stars had aligned when he caught young Hazel in his arms, beginning a romance to rock ages....
Obsession is deadly.No one learns that better than Luna Ketz, a pessimistic high school senior. Caught between her parents' intentions for her life and her own plans, boys are the last thing on Luna's...
In Holloway two brothers, Ritchie and Michael Spires are aspiring gangsters. Michael is kind and placid but Ritchie is nasty, self-centred and the driving force behind the brother's future success. In...
This is NOT a Young Adult Novel.I'm Abigail Greenwood, and I live on the wrong side of the tracks. My family sucks, and I wish life could be more like an 80s movie. But dreams are for sleeping, and I...
When the Houses of the Fae collide, the paranormal community is rocked to it's core…Firewalk With Me (Fae-ry Tales 1)Kyle Stafford had anything a young man could want, until a single lapse in judgment...
Mackenzie Bishop was looking forward to spending the summer in Lake Tahoe. Recently widowed with two young kids, a change of scenery would do them all good. But she never expected Bren Banks to be part...
« Chaque magie possède sa part de chaos... » Affrontez les complots mortels de l’Académie Covett !La menace qui pesait sur l’Académie Covett est éliminée, mais Jess a vécu de lourdes pertes au cours du...
Le Dungeon n'en a pas encore fini avec Carl et Princesse Donut. Découvrez la suite des aventures du duo le plus suivi de l'univers dans ce tome 2 : " L'Ogive du jugement dernier ".
Le Dungeon n'en a pas encore fini avec Carl et Princesse Donut. Découvrez la suite des aventures du duo le plus suivi de l'univers dans ce tome 3 : " Le Livre de recettes de l'anarchiste ".
Des documentaires illustrés qui répondent à toutes les questions des petits curieux de 4 à 6 ans. Des textes courts et instructifs, de belles illustrations font de cette nouvelle collection un outil idéal...
“Le Désert en partage” livre l’anti-portrait d’un capitaine d’industrie exilé en France, fondateur d’une firme de réputation mondiale, admiré mais circonspect, soucieux d’un sens profond à donner à sa...
Au lendemain de l’exécution de Louis XVI, par une nuit de neige et de brouillard dans un Paris désert tétanisé par la Terreur, un homme entreprend la filature d’une vieille dame qui le mène dans un quartier...
Tous les soirs, Francis prend son sac de couchage pour aller dormir devant le commissariat de Saint-Denis : il milite pour pouvoir coucher en prison. Virginie Barreteau décide de rencontrer cet homme...
Jenny Williams became a cop and moved to the middle of nowhere to solve a family mystery. Now, the case surrounding her cousin has been closed, she realises she can't go back to city life.She loves the...
Au Yellowstone, il y a les individus qui cherchent la connexion avec la nature, d’autres avec la 4G. Ceux qui auraient dû mieux lire les panneaux, ceux qui nettoient les toilettes et ceux qui se prennent...
Vous rêvez d'être incollables sur les tropes utilisés en romance ?Vous voulez depuis toujours écrire votre propre romantasy ?Ce livre est fait pour vous.Bénéficiez des secrets d'écriture d'autrices expertes,...
Les Jedi réunifiés se préparent à riposter contre les impitoyables Nihil dans cette suite palpitante de L'Œil des ténèbres Pendant plus d'un an,...
Plongez dans l'univers loufoque et intemporel de Pierre Dac avec cette anthologie qui ressuscite l'humour inimitable de L'Os à Moelle...
Surnomée la « reine polonaise du thriller domestique », Alicja Sinicka livre ici un roman à l’intrigue délicate, aux émotions fortes et aux personnages brillamment construits.Dans le milieu floral, Helena...
She took my breath away the moment I set eyes on her, and now my nomad lifestyle is over.I'm almost twice her age.I've been a loner for several years.But I can't stop thinking about her.I can't resist...
Logan Weston, the Duke of Templeton, never wants to remarry. Losing his wife devastated him. He has an heir. Another marriage isn't necessary. At least until a certain countess invades his thoughts. One...
La malédiction d'un fils, le destin d'une mère. Dévastée par la mort du forgeron qui s'est sacrifié pour elle sous les griffes d'Ar'vrark le Dévoreur,...
Qui, second largest city in the Kindle Empire, is home to the most prestigious academy, where young mages hone their skills.
At the heart of the dazzling city of Khalasia, magic and glory reigns to fuel the ambitions of the powerful elite. Until a forbidden, ancient power is accidentally awakened — a power so dangerous, it...
She opened a chocolate shop just in time for Valentine's. He's getting ready to sell the building and leave town before he falls for the girl-next-door. Carrie Byers's dream of being a businessowner has...
Emily Peterson started out being a normal woman with normal dreams. Then Aunt Jane died. Now she has neither. The family secret is out, and she's a big part of it. Witches—they are all witches. They have...
In the sequel to The Case Of The Cheap Suit Plot, Chloe is back to deal with new threats to Chicago, tackle trouble on her own doorstep, and navigate a forbidden romance. It's been two years since The...
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