member of The Israel Federation of Writers Union
nominee for the National Literary Award "Writer of the Year" - 2022/23
Medal of Tsvetaeva
short story anthology "Microkontos-22" nominee, Brazil
A Time for Everything
This book of poetry - experience in the style of an ancient Japanese poetry, haiku and tanka:
Earth - is the ark in which we sail into the unknown distance in spite of space storms.
How many years have passed since the creation of the world, and the simple truth from Ecclesiastes remain unanswered. Who we are, why we?
We jumped on the Moon, not knowing anything about the mysteries of life, and hardly ever know.
Or mystery is the purpose of life?
Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life?..
Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first, - advises Mark Twain, and he knows what he says.
We know what we are, but know not what we may be, - agree with him and William Shakespeare.
Universe - God's creation, and it is beautiful. Live today, not tomorrow, not yesterday.
...Эта книжка стихов - опыт в стиле старинной японской поэзии, хокку и танка:
Земля - это ковчег, в котором мы плывем в неведомую даль вопреки космическим штормам.
Title : Space Ark
EAN : 9780463814826
Publisher : Valery Rubin
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