In the heart of South London, Osese Sharp, an ambitious cardiac surgeon, vies for the top job at the prestigious University Trust. However, her rise is thwarted by institutional barriers and personal betrayals, particularly from Cody Hayes, the vengeful medical director. Trapped in a cramped flat during lockdown, Osese's family life unravels as her husband, John, and her activist son, David, clash over ideas about race and success.
After a quarrel with John, David is arrested and dies in police custody.
As professional rivalries and personal grievances converge, Osese grapples with a world where ceilings are as much cultural as they are glass. Armed with her ever-present and comforting handbag, supported by her eccentric stepmother, H-mum, and driven by the memory of her late son, she faces a stark choice: to accept the odds are against her and concede defeat or risk a battle that could either raise her to new heights or cost her everything.
Title : A Quest for Solace
EAN : 9781068744716
Publisher : Basketmouth Press
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