Brian P. Herbert, né en 1947, est le seul des enfants de Frank Herbert qui ait suivi une carrière littéraire. Son père, dans les derniers mois de sa vie, demanda son aide pour terminer L'Homme des deux mondes (1986). Puis il décéda et Brian publia The Notebooks of Frank Herbert's Dune (1988). À partir de ces notes, il a constitué un panorama complet de l'univers de Dune , plus herbertien encore que l'œuvre paternelle. Brian P. Herbert est aussi l'auteur de nombreuses nouvelles et romans ainsi que d'une biographie de son père, Dreamer of Dune (2003), fondée sur un journal intime que Brian a écrit pendant des années en observant la famille Herbert.
This is the first collection of Brian Herbert's short fiction, a volume that is packed with highly imaginative, intriguing stories and ideas. In the previously unpublished "Death of the Internet,: Under Burning Skies," the internet is wiped out—forever!—leaving hundreds of millions of people unable to function without a technology that they have become addicted to, and totally dependent upon. Another previously unpublished story, "Earth Games" describes an alien world where Earth people are kept prisoner and forced to perform competitions with hotrod automobiles. Those games strongly resemble rush-hour commute experiences in major U.S. cities, where drivers compete for lane space and make rude hand gestures to one another. A slight difference: the cars in this story have machine guns on the fenders, and cannons on the rooftops!
Two of the stories in this collection—"Earth Games" and "The Stakeout"—were edited by Brian's father Frank Herbert, the famed author of DUNE, in the early 1980s, and rewritten by Brian, with those expert comments in mind.
A New York Times-bestselling author, Brian has written many works of fiction and non-fiction. Brian is best known as the coauthor of 14 new Dune-series novels, written with Kevin J. Anderson. In his solo books, Brian is known for addressing important social issues, such as the environment, politics, and religion. In his highly original novel OCEAN, the ocean and its sea creatures declare war on human civilization, in retaliation for pollution and other human-caused abuses that are fouling the waters of the planet.
In DANGEROUS WORLDS, the characters find themselves in an ocean of deep, deep trouble, and must try to get out of seemingly impossible situations. Sometimes they do, and sometimes they don't!
Title : Dangerous Worlds
EAN : 9781393166092
Publisher : WordFire Press
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