Fulton John Sheen was born in El Paso, Illinois, in 1895. In high school, he won a three-year university scholarship, but he turned it down to pursue a vocation to the priesthood. He attended St. Viator College Seminary in Illinois and St. Paul Seminary in Minnesota. In 1919, he was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Peoria, Illinois. He earned a licentiate in sacred theology and a bachelor of canon law at the Catholic University of America and a doctorate at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium.
Sheen received numerous teaching offers but declined them in obedience to his bishop and became an assistant pastor in a rural parish. Having thus tested his obedience, the bishop later permitted him to teach at the Catholic University of America and at St. Edmund's College in Ware, England, where he met G.K. Chesterton, whose weekly BBC radio broadcast inspired Sheen's later NBC broadcast, The Catholic Hour (1930-1952).
In 1952, Sheen began appearing on ABC in his own series, Life Is Worth Living. Despite being given a time slot that forced him to compete with Milton Berle and Frank Sinatra, the dynamic Sheen enjoyed enormous success and in 1954 reach tens of millions of viewers, non-Catholics as well as Catholics.
When asked by Pope Pius XII how many converts he had made, Sheen responded, "Your Holiness, I have never counted them. I am always afraid if I did count them, I might think I made them, instead of the Lord."
Sheen gave annual Good Friday homilies at New York's St. Patrick's Cathedral, led numerous retreats for priests and religious, and preached at summer conferences in England.
"If you want people to stay as they are," he said, "tell them what they want to hear. If you want to improve them, tell them what they should know." This he did, not only in his preaching but also in the more than ninety books he wrote. His book, Peace of Soul was sixth on the New York Times best-seller list.
Sheen served as auxiliary bishop of New York (1951-1966) and as bishop of Rochester (1966-1969).
The good Lord called Fulton Sheen home in 1979. His television broadcasts, now on tape, and his books continue his earthly work of winning souls for Christ. Sheen's cause for canonization was opened in 2002, and in 2012 Pope Benedict XVI declared him "Venerable."
Al Smith has served the Church for fifteen years as a Catholic evangelist, radio host, writer, Internet broadcaster, and retreat director.
He is a gifted speaker giving presentations at seminaries, schools, parishes, and Catholic conferences. He is often featured on Catholic media such as EWTN Radio and Television, Radio Maria, The Catholic Channel, Relevant Radio, and Shalom TV.
He is the founder and director of the Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Mission Society of Canada and has served on the Board of Directors of the Archbishop Fulton John Sheen Foundation in Peoria, Illinois, which promotes the cause of Fulton J. Sheen's canonization process.
Al is the creator of the website Bishop Sheen Today, which features the life and works of the Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. (www.bishopsheentoday.com)
He is the editor of three best-selling books:
The Cries of the Jesus from the Cross - A Fulton Sheen Anthology (2018)
Lord Teach us to Pray - A Fulton Sheen Anthology (2019).
Archbishop Sheen's Book of Sacraments - A Fulton Sheen Anthology (2021).
He has also self-published over a dozen titles from the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen (1895 - 1979) which are being enjoyed today.
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen was a man for all seasons. Over his lifetime, he spent himself for souls, transforming lives with the clear teaching of the truths of Christ and His Church through his books, his radio addresses, his lectures, his television series, and his many newspaper columns.
With the same lucid and persuasive reasoning that has made him outstanding both as a writer and as a lecturer, Sheen continues to challenge people of goodwill to unite for the preservation of personal rights, freedom of conscience, human justice, and civilization itself – all of which are in danger in the present conflict. Here, one will recognize the urgency of Sheen's subject matter, and will find in his book Liberty, Equality and Fraternity a good number of his far-sighted principles.
In the chapters contained in this book penned by Fulton J. Sheen he discusses:
I. Liberty
II. Capitalism
III. Equality
IV. Fraternity
V. Distribution
VI. The Trojan Horse
VII. Patriotism
VIII. Charity
IX. Two Revolutions
X. Selected Bibliography on Communism
Sheen answers questions concerning the issues of our times. These powerful reflections can be most heartily recommended for their wise counsel, sane and penetrating analysis, and logical conclusions. Sheen applied the sharp scalpel of his crystal-clear logic to lay open the sources of the world's infection.
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen's brilliant mind, tireless pen, has made him one of the best-known figures in the world. This collection of meditations gives still another example of why this continues to be so today.
Title : Liberty, Equality and Fraternity
EAN : 9781990427237
Publisher : Bishop Sheen Today
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