Christian Bedor
Christian Bedor is a book author, postcard artist, Müllzeit-Los-Croupier and cabaret artist. M.A., Film Studies, Mo-dern Philology, Media Sociology. Christian Bedor already wrote franked letters to his classmates during his regular school days. This was followed by poems, short stories, satirical fragments for the cabaret stage as well as photo and text contributions for the Mail Art projects UNI/VERS(;) (ed.: Guillermo Deisler, Halle/Saale) and DIE SPINNE (ed.: Dirk Fröhlich; Dresden). Special thanks go to Joseph W. Huber, Edition Karte'll, Berlin. At the end of the 1980s he created photo and text motifs for b/w postcards. Later followed colour postcards on wit, satire and aesthe-tics, which have been on sale since 1996. At the same time Christian Bedor developed the mobile entertainment raffle Müll-Zeit-Lose plus exhibition stand. In recent years, countless people have drawn lots at his red vendor's trash can and won his art products: Movies, books, postcards. Since several years ALEX-TV, Berlin, broadcasts monthly the satirical film series Personalberatung Team Verreckt, PTV, - Arbeitskabarett - in which Bedors garbage cans play a central role. PTV clips can be found on various video portals on the Internet. Complete episodes on
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