Apothekerin Christiane Billen
Christiane Billen, born 1969, pharmacist and alternative practitioner,
founder of Quantum satis
(practice for naturopathy & integrative medicine),
wants to enlighten with the new Quantum satis series not only about the clinical picture acne inversa (AI, Hidradenitis suppurativa), but above all to give hope: acne inversa, once considered "rare", is increasingly attracting the attention of treating physicians and also of researchers
- and is now considered to be curable!
With the therapeutic options now available, more and more AI-patients have the chance to live a pain-free and unburdened life.
Not within a few days, but in the foreseeable future, if they are prepared to do something about it.
The earlier the correct diagnosis is made, the better the chances. For this reason, it is also of immense importance that awareness of the disease continues to grow. Therefore, this book series is also aimed at all those who have repeatedly suffered from abscesses, "pimples", furuncles, fistulas within the last six months. And also to their relatives and friends/girlfriends.
"In many years of self-employment in my pharmacy, originally from my own affliction (AI patient until 2010), my consulting focus "acne inversa" has developed and led to the fact that I was allowed to accompany numerous people on their way with acne inversa and also out of acne inversa. This knowledge should now be a support and hope for even more people. Since acne inversa develops multifactorially, it is often the "little things" that..."
Nutrition plays an important role in acne inversa (AI) for the path to cure. Rarely can a cure be achieved multimodularly without a change in dietary habits.
Therefore, the 2nd volume of the Quantum-satis series is dedicated to the nutrition of AI patients: the food triggers, the anti-inflammatory diet as well as weight management and many other exciting facts:
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