Herman Melville (1819-1891) was an American novelist, short story writer, essayist, and poet who received wide acclaim for his earliest novels, such as Typee and Redburn, but fell into relative obscurity by the end of his life. Today, Melville is hailed as one of the definitive masters of world literature for novels including Moby Dick and Billy Budd, as well as for enduringly popular short stories such as Bartleby, the Scrivener and The Bell-Tower.
Bartebly vive en su oficina, silencioso, aislado y sin pasado...
Herman Melville (1819-1891) es uno de los más importantes escritores de la literatura estadounidense. En esta obra, pequeña en extensión pero un referente en la literatura universal, crea un personaje anodino, sin experiencias, sin motivaciones, al que nada ni nadie da o resta sentido a su vida cotidiana. Quien narra su historia es nada menos que su jefe, un hombre que verá rota la aparente calma de su vida.
Title : Bartleby, el escribiente
EAN : 9788467040661
Publisher : Austral
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